

Fine-Davis et al. (2002): study ZZ Europe 2000


Fine-Davis, M.; Clarke, H.; Fagnani, J.; Giovannini, D.; Hojgaard, L.
Fathers and Mothers: Dilemmas of the Work-Life Balance. A Comparative Study in Four European Countries.
Kluwer, 2004, Social Indicators Research Series, Volume 21, Dordrecht, Netherlands


Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Non-probability purposive-quota sample
N = 400
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face
In the workplace

Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings

Full text:
Self report on single question:

Overall, how satisfied are you with your life in general?
1  very dissatisfied
2  dissatisfied
3  somewhat dissatisfied
4  somewhat satisfied
5  satisfied
6  very satisfied
Author's label:
Satisfaction with life in general
M = France 4,6; Italy 4,9; Denmark 5,4; Ireland 5,1
Page in publication:
195, 289
Observed distribution
1: 0.3%,   2: 0.8%,   3: 3.3%,   4: 20.6%,   5: 45.2%,   6: 29.9%   (total 100.1%)
Summary Statistics
On original range 1 - 6 On range 0-10
4.99 8.11
0.87 1.39

Correlational Findings

Author's label Subject Description Finding Sexe Sex: male (vs female)
Current nation of residence
Satisfaction with health Satisfaction with health Satisfaction with work Satisfaction with work-as-a-whole Satisfaction with family life Attitudes to family of relatives Satisfaction with relationship with spouse/partner Satisfaction with marriage Length of commuting time Time spend commuting
Commuting time
Length of partner's commuting time Work conditions of spouse Length of work week Size of current job Length of partner's work week Work conditions of spouse Preference for more time with family Attitudes to family of procreation
Satisfaction with time-use
Preference for more personal time Satisfaction with time-use Number of shared household tasks Shared household-tasks Amount of domestic/childcare help Household help Satisfaction with childcare arrangements Satisfaction with parenting
Satisfaction division of household-work
Acceptability of leaving earlier/arriving later (colleagues) Acceptance of parenting arrangement by colleagues Acceptability of leaving earlier/arriving later (managers) Acceptance of parenting arrangement by colleagues Acceptability of bringing child to work (colleages) Acceptance of parenting arrangement by colleagues Acceptability of bringing child to work (managers) Acceptance of parenting arrangement by colleagues How well colleagues take account of childcare responsibilities Acceptance of parenting arrangement by colleagues How well supervisor takes account of childcare responsibilities Acceptance of parenting arrangement by colleagues How well employer takes account of childcare responsibilities Acceptance of parenting arrangement by colleagues Perceived resentment when men take extended leave for childcare Acceptance of parenting arrangement by colleagues Perceived resentment when women take extended leave for childcare Acceptance of parenting arrangement by colleagues View on men in work-family programs Acceptance of parenting arrangement by colleagues View on women in work-family programs Acceptance of parenting arrangement by colleagues Perceived expectations about overwork Demands in work
Perceived conflict between work and home life
Perceived pressure to put job ahead of family/personal life Demands in work
Work-life balance
Potential flexibility at work Work-life balance
Flexible work hours
Actual flexibility at work Work-life balance
Flexible work hours
Family friendly policies in workplace Parenting arrangements Problems with childcare arrangements Work-life balance Difficulty combining work and family life Satisfaction with parenting
Conflict between demand of work and home