Bachman et al. (1978): study US 1966
- Author(s):
- Bachman, J.G.; Johnston, J.; O'Malley, P.M.
- Title:
- Youth in Transition, Vol. VI. Adolescence to Adulthood. Change and Stability in the Lives of Young Men.
- Source:
- Institute for Social Research, 1978, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
- Public
- Public highschool boys followed 8 years from grade 10, USA, 1966-74
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 1628
- Non Response
- 2.8% at T1, 17.2% at T2, 21.0% at T3, 28.9% at T4, 28.5% at T5
- Assessment
Multiple assesment methods
Interviews, tests and questionnaires
Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings
- Full text:
Self report on 6 questions:
" Describe the kind of person you are. Please read each sentence, then mark how often it is true for you"
1 I feel like smiling
2 I generally feel in good spirits
3 I feel happy
4 I am very satisfied with life
5 I find a good deal of happiness in life
6 I feel sad
Response options:
5 almost always true
4 often true
3 sometimes true
2 seldom true
1 never true
Summation: average
Possible range: 1 to 5 - Classification:
- O-HP-g-mq-v-5-a
- Author's label:
- Happiness
- Error estimates:
- Reliability: Overtime correlations (r): T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 +.54 T3 +.45 +.61 T4 +.43 +.54 +.61 Validity:
Correlational Findings
Later school level
Later schooling
Later competences
Later school success
Possessions in family of origin
Parents wealth
One parent family
Earlier victimization (ever victimized)
Ethnic homogeneity of school
Ethnic homogeneity of school
Earlier region of residence
Doubled a class
Earlier school success
Later school success
Earlier time spend on home work
Later time spend on homework
Earlier attitudes to school
Later attitudes to school
Later attitudes to school
Attitudes to school
Later intelligence
Self-perceived intelligence
Verbal ability
Earlier motivation
Later motivation
Achievement motivation
Later self-image
Self-actualization (need for)
Later need for self-actualization
Self-actualization (need for)
Later psycho-somatic complaints
Current psycho-somatic complaints
Later aggression
Aggressive, angry
Trust in government
Later trust in government
Earlier trust in government
Earlier political interest
Later political interest
Achievement motivation
Earlier preferences
Later preferences
Pleasure seeking
Earlier preferences
Later preferences
Reasons for working
Achievement motivation
Earlier preferred work conditions
Earlier achievement motivation
Later achievement motivation
Status motivation
Earlier preferred work conditions
Later preference for a challenging job
Later aggression
Aggressive behavior
Earlier use of tobacco
Later use of tobacco
Earlier use of alcohol
Later use of alcohol
Earlier use of marihuana
Later use of marihuana
Use of hard drugs
Later use of hard drugs
Earlier socio-economic level of school
Earlier discrimination
Later discrimination
Attitudes to specific political issues
Attitudes to specific political issues
Concern about overpopulation
Ideal number of children
Later mental health
Earlier mood-pattern
Later mood-pattern
Feeling negative (vs positive)
Later school-behavior
Misbehavior in school
Misbehavior in school
Current deviant behavior
Earlier deviant behavior
Later deviant behavior
Later misbehavior at school
Misbehavior in school
Earlier deviant behavior
Later deviant behavior
Later misbehavior at school
Intellectual level of school
Earlier precatory higher education
Later precatory higher education
in precatory higher education
Perceived usefulness of schooling
Involvement in school-work
Achievement motivation
Earlier involvement in school
Later involvement in school
Earlier achievement motivation
Later achievement motivation
Satisfaction with own school-performance
Satisfaction with own accomplishments
Earlier socio-economic status
Later value-preferences
Domain-specific value-preferences
Acceptance of abortion
Attitudes to ethnic discrimination
Later value-preferences
Preference for equal rights
Earlier value-preferences
Later value-preferences
Social values
Earlier tolerance
Later tolerance
Inner locus of control
Later locus of control
Fail anxious
Later anxiety
Development of trust
Trust in people
Approval seeking