Wessman (1956): study US 1946
- Author(s):
- Wessman, A.E.
- Title:
- A Psychological Inquiry into Satisfaction and Happiness.
- Source:
- Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Princeton University, 1956, USA
- Public
- 21+ aged, general public, USA, 1946
- Survey name
- Gallup poll
- Sample
- Non-probability purposive-quota sample
- Respondents
- N = 2377
- Non Response
- -
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
Structured interview
Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings
- Full text:
Self report on single question:
In general, how happy would you say you are..?
4 very happy
3 fairly happy
2 not very happy
1 not at all happy
- NA/DK - Classification:
- O-HL-g-sq-v-4-b
- Author's label:
- Avowed happiness
- Remarks:
- 4- step scale reduced to 3 by combining response options 1 and 2. On this reduced 3-step scale: M = 2.31, Sd = 0.63
- Page in publication:
- 170
- Observed distribution
- Frequencies
- 1: 1%, 2: 7%, 3: 45%, 4: 46% (total 99%)
- Summary Statistics
- On original range 1 - 4 On range 0-10
- Mean:
- 3.37 7.55
- SD:
- 0.66 1.85
Correlational Findings
Educational aspirations
Specific changes wanted
Realization of educational goals
Specific changes wanted
Object of life-goals
Perceived quality of intimate ties
Concern about intimates
Concerns about health
Specific worries
Specific changes wanted
Perceived realization of specific life-goals
Children as planned
Perceived happiness of the married
Perceived sources of happiness
Attitudes to one's own marital status
Satisfaction with marriage
Concerns about health
Specific changes wanted
Aspired income-increase
Attitudes to leisure
Specific changes wanted
Object of life-goals
Perceived realization of specific life-goals
Attitudes to entering marriage
Occupational aspirations
Attitudes to one's possessions
Income aspirations
Specific changes wanted
Object of life-goals
Perceived realization of specific life-goals
Materialistic values
Worrying about money
Specific worries
Satisfaction with time-use
Approval seeking
Specific concerns
Specific changes wanted
Political concern
Specific worries
Specific worries
Church-member or not
Attitude to vicinity
Specific changes wanted
Concern about own character
Attitudes to own worrying
Concern about own character
Specific worries
Specific changes wanted
Specific worries
Perceived realization of specific life-goals
Occupational aspirations
Specific changes wanted
Perceived realization of specific life-goals
Attitude to urban life
Occupational aspirations
Occupational aspirations
Current concern about work
Having goals or not (life-planning)
Perceived realization of life-goal set