Special publics Special public: Lower class Path SOCIAL STATUS Lower class Number of studies 9 Additional keywords blue collar Related correlational subjects List of Studies on this Public Reference Title of publication Public Warr et al. (1979): study GB 1977 Scales for the Measurement of Social Work Attitudes and Aspects of Psychological. Factory workers, blue collar, UK, 1977 Blood (1969): study US 1967 Work Values and Job Satisfaction. Military, airforce, low rank maintenance jobs, USA, 196? Noelle-Neumann (1977a): study XZ Germany West 1973 /5 Politik und Glück. (Politics and Happiness). Working people, middle and lower professions, West-Germany, 1973 Noelle-Neumann (1977a): study XZ Germany West 1975 /2 Politik und Glück. (Politics and Happiness). Employed persons: middle and lower professions, West-Germany, 1975 Clement (1980): study FR 1975 /1 De la Variation de Quelques Traits de Personalité en Fonction, notamment, de l'Age, du Sexe et du Niveau Intellectuel. (The Variation of Certain Personality Traits in Relation to Age, Sex, and Intelligent Level). 60-69 aged women, lower class, France 1975 Larson (1989): study US 1984 Is Feeling "In Control" Related to Happiness in Daily Life? Lower-middle class employees, Chicago-area, USA, 198? Ferree (1980): study US 1974 Working Class Feminism: A Consideration of the Consequences of Employment. Mothers, USA, 1974-75 Ferree (1976): study US 1974 Working-Class Jobs: Housework and Paid Work as Sources of Satisfaction. Working class mothers, USA, 1974 Angrist (1974): study US 1974 Dimensions of Well-Being in Public Housing Families. Public housing tenants, USA, 1974