
Special publics


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benefactors, social policy
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List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Borges & Dutton (1976): study US 1974 Attitudes Toward Aging. Acqaintances of students, San Diego State Univ., USA Borges et al. (1984): study US 1979 Men's and Women's Ratings of Life Satisfaction by Age of Respondent and Age Interval Judged. 13-65+ aged, San Diego, USA, 1979 Veenhoven (1994c): study ZZ Western nations 1940 Is Happiness a Trait? Test of the Theory that a Better Society does not Make People any Happier. Various panels, followed 1 to 40 years, 1940-1990 Gelfin et al. (1998): study IL 1996 Effect of Clinical Doses of Fluoxetine on Psychological Variables in Healthy Volunteers. Participants in single blind drug experiment. Israel,1995 Hébert et al. (2007): study CA Quebec 2006 Le Programme "Apprendre à être Mieux Aider" à l' Intention des Aidants Familiaux d'un Parent atteint de Démence vivant à Domicile. (The Programme "Learning to Feel Better"...and Care Better). Family caregivers followed before and after stress coping programme, Canada, Quebec, 2006 Napier & Jost (2008): study US 2000 Why are Conservatives Happier than Liberals? Voters, before and after presidential election, USA, 2000 Napier & Jost (2008): study US 1995 Why are Conservatives Happier than Liberals? Voters, USA, 1995 Napier & Jost (2008): study US 1974 Why are Conservatives Happier than Liberals? Voters, USA, 1974 - 2004 Pishkin & Thorne (1973): study US 1968 A Factorial Study of Existential State Reactions. Deviants and normals, USA, 196? Munzel et al. (2018): study US 2014 The Social Side of Sustainability: Well-being as a Driver and an Outcome of Social Relationships and Interactions on Social Networking Sites Facebook users, USA, 2014 Jacob et al. (2009): study ZZ 2005 Personal and Planetary Well-Being: Mindfulness Meditation, Pro-Environmental Behavior and Personal Quality of Life in a Survey from the Social Justice and Ecological Sustainability Movement. Buddhist Peace Fellowship members, USA/Canada, 2005 Soumerai & Avorn (1983): study US Massachusetts 1981 Perceived Health, Life Satisfaction, and Activity in Urban Elderly: a Controlled Study of the Impact of Part-Time Work. 60+ aged retired participants in a work program and controls,followed 6 months, USA 1981 Galama et al. (2017): study CO 2010 Wealthier, Happier and More Self-Sufficient: When Anti-Poverty Programs Improve Economic and Subjective Wellbeing at a Reduced Cost to Taxpayers. Heads of poor families, earlier benefactors and non-benefactors of a welfare program, Colombia, 2010