
Special publics

Special public: Single parents

PARENTHOOD Single parents
Number of studies
Additional keywords
lone parents, broken home
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Related correlational subjects

List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Bowen & Orthner (1986): study US 1981 Single parents, Airforce, USA, 1981 Kalmuss et al. (1992): study US 1989 Short-Term Consequences of Parenting Versus Adoption among Young Unmarried Woman. Unmarried teenage mothers, USA, 1989-1990 Wong (1985a): study US 1984 Effects of Individual Sources of Support on Well-Being in Employed Parents. Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984 Pishkin & Thorne (1973): study US 1968 A Factorial Study of Existential State Reactions. Deviants and normals, USA, 196? Dorsett & Oswald (2014): study GB 2005 Human Well-being and In-Work Benefits: A Randomized Controlled Trial. 18+ aged unemployed single mothers, UK, followed 5 years. Participants and controls in a program, 2003-2008 Stavrova & Fetchenhauer (2015): study ZZ Europe 2010 Single Parents, Unhappy Parents? Parenthood, Partnership, and the Cultural Normative Context. Parents in 43 European nations, 2010 Lansford et al. (2001): study US 1994 Does Family Structure Matter? A Comparison of Adoptive, Two-Parent Biological, Single-Mother, Stepfather and Stepmother Households. Families with at least one child <10 in household, United States of America, 1994 Dierker et al. (2023): study DE 1984 Re-partnering and single mothers' mental health and life satisfaction trajectories Single mothers, Germany, followed 2 years before and 5 years after becoming a single mother, 1984 - 2020 Dierker et al. (2023): study GB 1996 Re-partnering and single mothers' mental health and life satisfaction trajectories Single mothers, United Kingdom, followed 2 years before and 5 years after becoming a single mother, 1996 - 2020 Mahler (1994): study US 1994 A Comparison of Single and Married Working Parents' Agency and Desire for Money. Working parents, United States of America, 1994 Pollmann-Schult (2018): study ZZ Europe 2002 Single Motherhood and Life Satisfaction in Comparative Perspective: Do Institutional and Cultural Contexts Explain the Life Satisfaction Penalty for Single Mothers? 18-59 aged women in 24 European nations 2002 - 2012 Kühn (2018): study DE 1984 Changes in Lone Mothers' Health: A Longitudinal Analysis Mothers, Germany, followed 1984 - 2011 Jenkinson et al. (2020): study BE Flanders 2009 Multi-dimensional Subjective Wellbeing and Lone Parenthood Following Divorce in Flanders (Northern Belgium) Parents, married vs. divorced, Flanders, Belgium, 2009 Buehler (1988): study US Minnesota 1981 The Social and Emotional Well-Being of Divorced Residential Parents. Divorced parenrs, Minnesota USA, 1981 Sodermans et al. (2015): study BE Flanders 2009 Involved Fathers, Liberated Mothers? Joint Physical Custody and the Subjective Well-Being of Divorced Parents. Divorced parents, Flanders, Belgium, 2009 - 2010 Wells Gladow & Ray (1986): study US Washington 1983 The impact of informal support systems on the well-being of low income single parents. Single mothers, low income, Washington, USA, 1983