Special publics Special public: Mothers Path PARENTHOOD Mothers Number of studies 75 Additional keywords mum Related publics List of Studies on this Public Reference Title of publication Public Levitt et al. (1986): study US 1984 Social Network Relationships as Sources of Maternal Support and Well-Being. Mothers of 13-months infants, Florida, U.S.A., 1984 Bendo & Feldman (1974): study US 1970 A Comparison of the Self-Concept of Low Income Women with and without Husbands Present. Low-income women with children, small cities and rural areas, New York State, USA, 1970 Glenn (1975): study US 1963 Psychological Well-Being in the Post parental Stage: Some Evidence from National Surveys. 40-59 aged mothers, non-institutionalized, USA, 1963-66 Glenn (1975): study US 1972 Psychological Well-Being in the Post parental Stage: Some Evidence from National Surveys. 40-59 aged mothers, non-institutionalized, USA, 1972-73 Glenn (1975): study US 1971 Psychological Well-Being in the Post parental Stage: Some Evidence from National Surveys. 35-65 aged mothers, non-institutionalized, USA, 1971 Mussen et al. (1982): study US 1930 Early Adult Antecedents of Life Satisfaction at Age 70. Mothers of 21-months babies. Followed 40 years, Berkeley USA, 1930-70 Henggeler & Borduin (1981): study US 1981 Satisfied Working Mothers and their Preschool Sons: Interaction and Psychosocial Adjustment. Married mothers of 4 year old sons, USA, 1981 Friedrich & Friedrich (1981): study US 1979 Psychological Assets of Parents of Handicapped and Non-Handicapped Children. Mothers withhandicapped child at home and controls, USA, 197? Mussen et al. (1980): study US 1928 Continuity and Change in Women's Characteristics over Four Decades. Mothers, followed from age 30 to 70, Berkeley USA, 1928-68 Mussen et al. (1980): study US 1928 /1 Continuity and Change in Women's Characteristics over Four Decades. Mothers of preschool-aged-children, Berkeley USA, 1928-68 Nelson (1982): study US 1978 /1 Coping with the Loss of the Father. Mothers, Winnipeg, USA, 1978 Mussen et al. (1980): study US 1930 Continuity and Change in Women's Characteristics over Four Decades. Mothers, followed from age 30 to 70, Berkeley, USA, 1930-70 Schaefer & Burnett (1987): study US NorthCarolina 1980 Stability and Predictability of Quality of Women's Marital Relationship and Demoralization. Mothers of young children, followed 3 years, N.Carolina, USA, 1980-83 Kalmuss et al. (1992): study US 1989 Short-Term Consequences of Parenting Versus Adoption among Young Unmarried Woman. Unmarried teenage mothers, USA, 1989-1990 Jol (1996): study NL 1997 Het Onbehagen bij de Vrouw. (Woman's Discontent). Mothers, The Netherlands 1997 Moen et al. (1995): study US 1956 Caregiving and Women's Well-Being: A Life Course Approach. Mothers USA, followed 30 years 1956-1986 Miller et al. (1991): study US 1956 Motherhood, Multiple Roles, and Maternal Well-Being: Women of the 1950 s. White married mothers with children under age 13, USA 1956 Ferree (1980): study US 1974 Working Class Feminism: A Consideration of the Consequences of Employment. Mothers, USA, 1974-75 Baruch & Barnett (1986a): study US 1980 Consequences of Fathers' Participation in Family Work: Parents' Role Strain and Well-Being. Mothers with children age 4-10, USA,1980 Ferree (1976): study US 1974 Working-Class Jobs: Housework and Paid Work as Sources of Satisfaction. Working class mothers, USA, 1974 Walters & McKenry (1985): study US 1983 Predictors of Life Satisfaction Among Rural and Urban Employed Mothers: A Research Note. Employed mothers, rural and urban areas USA,1983 Wong (1985a): study US 1984 Effects of Individual Sources of Support on Well-Being in Employed Parents. Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984 Godoy-Izquierdo et al. (2009): study ES 2005 Balance Afectivo en Hombres y Mujeres: Implicaciones de la Edad y el Sexo. (Affect Balance amon Men and Women: Implications of Age and Sex). Pregnant women, Spain, 200? Godoy-Izquierdo et al. (2009): study ES 2004 Balance Afectivo en Hombres y Mujeres: Implicaciones de la Edad y el Sexo. (Affect Balance amon Men and Women: Implications of Age and Sex). Pregnant and nonpregnant women, Granada, Spain, 200? Trzcinski & Holst (2006): study DE 2001 /1 Setting the Set Point. Initial Predictors of Life Satisfaction in Early Adulthood. Mothers of 17 aged, Germany, 2001-2004 Gwanfogbe et al. (1970): study CM 1965 Polygyny and Marital Life Satisfaction: An Exploratory Study from Rural Cameroon. Mothers of young child, rural areas, Cameroon, 196? Berger (2009): study DE 1994 Maternal Employment and Happiness: The Effect of Non-Participation and Part-time Employment on Mothers' Life Satisfaction. Mothers aged 20-65, Germany, followed 14 years, 1994-2007 Harkins (1978): study US 1973 Effects of Empty Nest Transition on Self-report of Psychological and Physical Well-Being. Empty Nest mothers, USA, 1973-1974 Crnic et al. (1983): study US 1981 Effects of Stress and Social Support on Mothers and Premature and Full-term Infants. 16-42 aged mothers with newborns, Seattle, USA, 197? Klein (1984): study IL Petah Tikva 1980 Behavior of Israeli Mothers toward Infants in Relation to Infants' Perceived Temperament. 6 months aged infants, Israel, followed from 1980-1981 Erlandsson et al. (2010): study US 1989 Women’s Perceived Frequency of Disturbing Interruptions and Its Relationship to Self-Rated Health and Satisfaction with Life as a Whole. Single black mothers receiving child care, Ohio, United States, 1989 Schilmoeller et al. (1991): study US 1991 Long -Term Support and Personal Adjustment of Adolescent and Older Mothers. Mothers, followed 1 year postpartum, USA, 1991 Daly et al. (2014): study IE 2013 Can Early Intervention Policies Improve Well-being? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial. Participants support program for underprivileged pregnant women, Dublin, Ireland, 2013 Michon (2014a): study AT 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20-50 aged mothers, Austria, 2003 Michon (2014a): study BE 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20-50 aged Mothers, Belgium , 2003. Michon (2014a): study BG 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20-50 aged mothers, Bulgaria , 2003. Michon (2014a): study CZ 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20-50 aged mothers, Czech Republic , 2003. Michon (2014a): study DK 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20-50 aged mothers, Denmark , 2003. Michon (2014a): study EE 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20-50 aged mothers, Estonia, 2003. Michon (2014a): study FR 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20-50 aged mothers, France, 2003. Michon (2014a): study FI 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20-50 aged Mothers, Finland, 2003. Michon (2014a): study DE 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20-50 aged mothers, Germany, 2003. Michon (2014a): study DE 2003 /1 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20-50 aged mothers, Germany, 2003. Michon (2014a): study GB 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20-50 aged mothers, United Kingdom, 2003 Michon (2014a): study GR 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20-50 aged mothers, Greece, 2003 Michon (2014a): study HU 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20 - 50 aged mothers, Hungary, 2003 Michon (2014a): study IE 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20 - 50 aged mothers, Ireland, 2003 Michon (2014a): study IT 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20 - 50 aged mothers, Italy, 2003 Michon (2014a): study LV 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20 - 50 aged mothers, Latvia, 2003 Michon (2014a): study LT 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20 - 50 aged mothers, Lithuania, 2003 Michon (2014a): study LU 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20 - 50 aged mothers, Luxembourg, 2003 Michon (2014a): study MT 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20 - 50 aged mothers, Malta, 2003 Michon (2014a): study PL 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20 - 50 aged mothers, Poland, 2003 Michon (2014a): study PT 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20 - 50 aged mothers, Portugal, 2003 Michon (2014a): study SK 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20 - 50 aged mothers,Slovakia, 2003 Michon (2014a): study RO 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20 - 50 aged mothers, Romania, 2003 Michon (2014a): study SI 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20 - 50 aged mothers,Slovenia, 2003 Michon (2014a): study ES 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20 - 50 aged mothers,Spain, 2003 Michon (2014a): study SE 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20 - 50 aged mothers,Sweden, 2003 Michon (2014a): study ZZ EU 25 2003 Mothers and Quality of Life 26 EU Countries. 20-50 aged mothers, 26 EU countries, 2003 Richter et al. (2018): study DE 2007 Relations Among Maternal Life Satisfaction, Shared Activities, and Child Well-Being. Mothers and their child, Germany, 2007/8 Cattaneo et al. (2009): study MX 2005 Housing, Health, and Happiness. Mothers participating in a house improvement program and controls, Mexico,2005 MacBeth-Williams et al. (1987): study CA 1977 Transition to Motherhood: A Longitudinal Study. Mothers followed from 1 month before birth of first child to 2 years after, Canada, 1997-1980 Baranowska-Rataj & Matysiak (2011): study PL 2003 Does Parenthood increase Happiness? Evidence for Poland. 18-35 aged women, Poland, 2003-2011 Bull & Mittelmark (2009): study ZZ Scandinavia 2004 Work Life and Mental Wellbeing of Single and Non Single Working Mothers in Scandinavia. Employed mothers, 4 Scandinavian countries, 2004 Schober & Stahl (2016): study DE 2007 Expansion of Full-Day Childcare and Subjective Well-Being of Mothers: Interdependencies with Culture and Resources. Mothers with <6 aged children, Germany, followed 5 years 2007 - 2012 Huss & Pollmann-Schult (2020): study DE 1994 Don't blame the kids: mothers' satisfaction with different life domains after union dissolution 18-65 aged separated women, Germany, followed 2 years or more, 1994 - 2016 Dierker et al. (2023): study DE 1984 Re-partnering and single mothers' mental health and life satisfaction trajectories Single mothers, Germany, followed 2 years before and 5 years after becoming a single mother, 1984 - 2020 Sandner (2013): study DE 2006 Effects of Early Childhood Intervention on Maternal Employment, Fertility and Well-Being. Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trail. Participants in a support program for disadvantaged first-time mothers, followed from pregnancy until 2 years after birth of first child, Germany, 2006-2009 Herbst (2013): study US 1986 Welfare Reform and the Subjective Well-Being of Single Mothers. Single mothers, USA 1986-2005 Dierker et al. (2023): study GB 1996 Re-partnering and single mothers' mental health and life satisfaction trajectories Single mothers, United Kingdom, followed 2 years before and 5 years after becoming a single mother, 1996 - 2020 Pollmann-Schult (2018): study ZZ Europe 2002 Single Motherhood and Life Satisfaction in Comparative Perspective: Do Institutional and Cultural Contexts Explain the Life Satisfaction Penalty for Single Mothers? 18-59 aged women in 24 European nations 2002 - 2012 McCullough & Zick (1992): study US Utah 1987 The Roles of Role Strain, Economic Resources and Time Demands in Explaining Mothers' Life Satisfaction. Mothers, Utah, USA, 1987 - 1988 Kühn (2018): study DE 1984 Changes in Lone Mothers' Health: A Longitudinal Analysis Mothers, Germany, followed 1984 - 2011 Baranowska-Rataj et al. (2014): study PL 2003 Does lonely motherhood decrease women's subjective wellbeing? Evide3nce from qualitative and quantitative research in Poland 18-35 aged women, Poland, 2003-2011