Special publics Special public: Physicians Path OCCUPATION Physicians Number of studies 8 Additional keywords health care professional Related correlational subjects List of Studies on this Public Reference Title of publication Public Linn & McGranahan (1980): study US 1984 Personal Disruptions, Social Integration, Subjective Well-Being and Predisposition towards the Use of Counseling Services. Physicians, California, USA, 1984 Virshub & Coombs (1993): study US Los Angeles County, California 1988 Physicians' Adjustment to Retirement. Retired physicians, Los Angeles County, 198? Tyssen et al. (2009): study NO 1993 Lower Life Satisfaction in Physicians Compared with a General Population Sample: A 10-year Longitudinal, Nationwide Study of Course and Predictors. Physicians followed 9 years after graduating, Norway, 1993-2002 VanDongen & DeGraaf (2012): study NL 2012 /1 De Gelukkige Dokter (The happy doctor) Medical doctors and students, The Netherlands, 2012 Dyrbye et al. (2016): study US 2012 A Randomized, Controlled Study of an Online Intervention to Promote Job Satisfaction and Well-Being among Physicians Physicians, USA, 2012 Ki (2009): study HK 2006 Gratitude and Stress of Health Care Professional in Hong Kong Health care professionals, Hong Kong, 2006 West et al. (2014): study US 2010 Intervention to Promote Physician Well-being, Job Satisfaction, and Professionalism Physicians, USA, 2010-2012 Austrom et al. (2003): study US 2000 Predictors of Life Satisfaction in Retired Physicians and Spouses. Retired physicians and spouces, USA, 2000