
Special publics

Special public: Managers

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List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Payne (1975): study GB 1972 Recent Life Changes and The Reporting of Psychological States. Employed males, supervising jobs, England, 197? Payne (1974): study GB 1972 N.M. Bradburn's Measures of Psychological Well-Being: An Attempt at Replication. Employed males, supervising jobs, England, 197? Iris & Barrett (1972): study US 1970 Some Relations between Job and Life Satisfaction and Job Importance. Male supervisors, chemical plant, USA, 197? Gehmacher (1990a): study AT 1989 Stress und Stressbewältigung. ( Stress and Coping). Military male cadres, Austria, 1989 Gehmacher (1992d): study AT 1989 /1 Sport, Gesundheit und Lebenszufriedenheit.(Sport, Health and Life Satisfaction.) Military male cadres, Austria, 1989 Bray & Howard (1980): study US 1956 Career Success and Life-Satisfactions of Middle Aged Managers. 40+ aged, male managers, Bell Telephone Company, 1956-1976 Bray & Howard (1983): study US 1956 The AT & T Longitudinal Studies of Managers. 40+ aged male managers, Bell Telephone Company, 1956-1980 Tiedje et al. (1990): study US 1985 Women with Multiple Roles: Role-Compatibility Perceptions, Satisfaction, and Mental Health. Married women with a preschool child, USA, 1985 Kehr (2003): study DE 2000 Goal Conflicts, Attainment of New Goals, and Well-Being Among Managers. Managers participating in a personality development course, Germany, 2000 Lado et al. (2021): study ES 2018 Cognitive Reflection, Life Satisfaction, Emotional Balance and Job Performance Managers, Spain, 2018 Moorman (1993): study US 1990 The Influence of Cognitive and Affective Based Job Satisfaction Measure on the Relationship Between Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Employees, United States, 1990 Zelenski et al. (2008): study CA 2005 The Happy-Productive Worker Thesis Revisited. Directors, Canada, followed 8 weeks, 2005 Wright et al. (2007): study US 2004 The Moderating Role of Employee Positive Well Being on the Relation Between Job Satisfaction and Job Performance. Managers, United States, 2004 Weiss et al. (1999): study US 1996 An Examination of the Joint Effects of Affective Experiences and Job Beliefs on Job Satisfaction and Variations in Affective Experiences over Time. Managers, United States, followed 16 working days, 1996