
Special publics

Special public: Immigrants

MIGRATION Immigrants
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List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Beals (1985): study US 1978 Generational Differences in Well-being for two European Groups. Immigrants from Europe, USA, 1978 Vuletic (2003): study AU 1998 Subjective Quality of Life and Self Assessed Social Support among Croatian Immigrants in Australia: A Comparison with Non-Immigrant Croatians and Australians. Croatian immigrants, Urban areas of Australia, 199? Hernandez Plaza et al. (2005): study ES 2000 Estructura y Funciones del Apoyo Social en un Colectivo de Immigrantes Marroquies. (Structure and Functions of Social Support of Moroccan Immigrants). Moroccan immigrants, Spain, 2000 Hernandez Plaza et al. (2004): study ES 2000 Apoyo Social y Bienstar Subjetivo en un Collectivo de Immigrantes. Efectos Directos o Amortiguadores. ( Social Support and Social Well-Being in a Group of Immigrants: Direct or Buffer Effects?) Moroccan immigrants, Spain, 2000 Hernandez Plaza et al. (2005): study ES 2000 /1 Estructura y Funciones del Apoyo Social en un Colectivo de Immigrantes Marroquies. (Structure and Functions of Social Support of Moroccan Immigrants). Moroccan immigrants, Spain, 2000 Veenhoven (1994c): study XZ Germany West 1982 Is Happiness a Trait? Test of the Theory that a Better Society does not Make People any Happier. Immigrants, West Germany, 1982 Ferree (1980): study US 1974 Working Class Feminism: A Consideration of the Consequences of Employment. Mothers, USA, 1974-75 Ferree (1976): study US 1974 Working-Class Jobs: Housework and Paid Work as Sources of Satisfaction. Working class mothers, USA, 1974 Lai & McDonald (1995): study CA Calgary, Alberta 1991 Life Satisfaction of Chinese Elderly Immigrants in Calgary Chinese elderly immigrants, Canada, 1991 Rodriguez DelaVega (2004): study AR Buenos Aires 2004 Application of the Well Being Index in Immigrants in Argentina. 19+ aged, immigrants, Buenos Aires, Argentina,2004 Gökdemir & Dumludag (2012): study NL 2010 Life Satisfaction Among Turkish and Moroccan Immigrants in the Netherlands: The Role of Absolute and Relative Income. Adults, Turkish and Moroccan immigrants, The Netherlands, 2010 Bartram (2011): study US 1995 Economic Migration and Happiness: Comparing Immigrants' and Natives' Happiness Gains from Income. 18-94 aged natives and immigrants, USA, 1995 Easterlin & Plagnol (2008): study DE West Germany 1984 /2 16+ aged, Turkish immigrants, West Germany, Germany, followed 1-21 years, 1984-2004 Easterlin & Plagnol (2008): study DE West Germany 1984 16+ aged, European immigrants, West Germany, Germany, followed 1-21 years, 1984-2004 Stillman et al. (2015): study TO 2005 Miserable Migrants? Natural Experiment Evidence on International Migration and Objective and Subjective Well-Being. 18-45 aged, aspirant migrants who stayed, Tonga, followed 3 years, 2005-2008 Stillman et al. (2015): study NZ 2005 Miserable Migrants? Natural Experiment Evidence on International Migration and Objective and Subjective Well-Being. 18-45 aged immigrants from Tonga, followed 3 years after migrattion, New-Zealand, 2005-2008 Lönnqvist et al. (2015): study ZZ Northern Europe 2008 The Mixed Blessings of Migration. Life Satisfaction and Self-Esteem over the Course of Migration. Russian Diaspora migrants, Russia to Finland, followed 4 years, 2008-2013 Mähönen et al. (2013): study ZZ Northern Europe 2008 Met expectations and the well-being of diaspora immigrants: A longitudinal study Russian Diaspora migrants, Russia to Finland, followed 1.5 years, 2008-2010 Koczan (2013a): study DE 1984 /1 Does integration increase life satisfaction? 16+ aged immigrants, Germany, followed 1-26 years, 1984-2010 Nesterko et al. (2013): study DE 2006 /1 Life Satisfaction and Health-Related Quality of Life in Immigrants and Native-Born Germans: The Role of Immigration-Related Factors 16+ aged migrants, Germany, 2006 Lewinter et al. (1996): study DK Hovenstaden (Capital region, København) 1991 The Social Situation of Elderly Turkish Immigrants in Copenhagen, Denmark. 55+aged Turkish migrants, Copenhagen, Denmark, 199? Chow (2012): study CA Calgary, Alberta 2007 Health Care Service Needs and Correlates of Quality of Life: A Case Study of Elderly Chinese Immigrants in Canada 65+aged Chinese migrants, Calgary, Canada, 2007 Amit & Litwin (2010): study IL 2006 The Subjective Well-being of Immigrants Aged 50 and Older in Israel. 50+aged immigrants, Israel, 2005-2006 Uskul & Greenglass (2005): study CA 2005 Psychological Wellbeing in a Turkish-Canadian Sample. Turkish immigrants, Canada, 2005 Boski (1989): study US 1984 Correlative National Self-Identity of Polish Immigrants in Canada and the United States. Polish migrants, New Jersey USA, 198? Ahmadyar (2016): study NL 2016 Do the determinants of happiness differ between immigrants and home-stayers? A comparison between Afghans in the Netherlands and Afghanistan +18 aged Afghan immigrants, The Netherlands, 2016 Pohl (2006): study DE 1984 Employment Status, Income and the Subjective Well-Being of Immigrants. 25-65 aged immigrants, Germany, followed yearly 1984-2005 Shershneva & Basabe (2012): study ZZ Europe 2006 Bienestar Subjectivo de Los Nativos e Immigrantes en Europa. Subjective Wellbeing of Natives and Migrants in Europe. Immigrants, Europe, Multiple nations, 2006 - 2007 Hendriks et al. (2018): study ZZ Various nation sets 2009 Do International Migrants Increase Their Happiness and That of Their Families by Migrating? Migrants, Multiple nations, 2009-2016 Arola et al. (2020): study SE 2015 Impact of a Person-Centered Group Intervention on Life Satisfaction and Engagement in Activities among Persons Aging in the Context of Migration Elderly migrants, Sweden, 2015 Knight & Gunatilaka (2018): study CN 2003 Rural-Urban Migration and Happiness in China. Working aged: rural , rural-urban migrants urban born, China, 2003 Knight & Gunatilaka (2018): study CN 2003 /1 Rural-Urban Migration and Happiness in China. Rural to urban migrants, China, 2003 Diwan et al. (2004): study US Atlanta, Georgia 1999 Resources Predicting Positive and Negative Affect During the Experience of Stress: A Study of Older Asian Indian Immigrants in the United States. Elderly immigrants, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America, 1999 Kim et al. (2015): study US Los Angeles County, California 2010 Social Capital and Life Satisfaction among Chinese and Korean Elderly Immigrants. Elderly Asian migrants, Los Angeles County, California, United States of America, 2010 - 2011 Kim et al. (2017a): study US Los Angeles County, California 2011 Differences in the relationship between depression and self-rated life satisfaction in older Korean and Chinese immigrants 65+ aged Chinese and Korean immigrants, Los Angeles County, US, 2011 Haslam et al. (2022): study AU Queensland 2017 Ageing well in a foreign land: group memberships protect older immigrants’ wellbeing through enabling social support and integration 54+ aged immigrants , Queensland, Australia, 2017 Di Belgiojoso et al. (2022): study IT 2011 The effect of migration experiences on wellbeing among ageing migrants in Italy Elderly migrants, Italy 2011 - 2012 Qi et al. (2022): study US Honolulu, Hawai 2018 Social isolation and psychological well-being among older Chinese Americans: Does resilience mediate the association? 55+ aged Chinese migrants, Honolulu, USA, 2018 Chen et al. (2018): study US Chicago 2011 The influence of acculturation level and family relationships on quality of life among U.S. Chinese older adults 60+aged Chinese migrants, Chicago, USA, 2011 - 2013 Guo et al. (2019): study US Chicago 2011 Is migration at older age associated with poorer psychological well-being? Evidence from Chinese older immigrants in the United States 60+aged Chinese migrants, Chicago, USA, 2011 - 2013 Liu et al. (2021a): study US Chicago 2012 Loss of friends and psychological well-being of older Chinese immigrants 60+ aged Chinese migrants, Chicago, USA, 2012 - 2013 Lai et al. (2019): study US Chicago 2011 The impact of intergenerational relationship on health and well-being of older Chinese Americans 60+ aged Chinese migrants, Chicago, USA, 2011 - 2013 Tani et al. (2020): study AU 2001 Ageing, Health, Loneliness and Wellbeing Elderly, Australia, 2001 Guo et al. (2022a): study US Chicago 2011 Coping repertoires and psychological well-being of Chinese older immigrants in the United States Elderly Chinese migrants, Chicago, USA, 2011 - 2013