
Special publics

Special public: Non-Married

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List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Keith (1985a): study US 1969 Work, Retirement and Well-Being among Unmarried Men and Women. 58-63 aged unmarried, followed 10 years, USA, 1969-1979 McCrae & Costa (1991): study US Baltimore County, Maryland 1979 Adding 'Liebe und Arbeit': The Full Five Factor Model and Well-Being. Single males and couples Baltimore USA, followed 7 years, 1979-86 Irwin et al. (1979): study NZ 1975 If you Want to Know how Happy I am ,You'll have to Ask me. Singles, Dunedin New Zealand, 1975 Adams (1988): study US 1981 Which comes First: Poor Psychological Well-Being or Decreased Friendship Activity? 62+ aged, white non-married females, middle class suburb of Chicago, USA. followed 1981-84 Woldringh & Knapen (1980): study NL 1978 Vrij en Alleen. (Free and Alone). Unmarried adults, big cities, the Netherlands, 1978 Callan (1986): study AU 1986 Single Women, Voluntary Childlessness and Perception about Life and Marriage. About 20 aged single women Australia, 1986 DeVries et al. (1994): study NL 1992 Maatschappelijke Participatie van Alleenstaanden. (Social Participation of Singles). 30-65 aged singles, The Netherlands, 1992 Danner et al. (2001): study US 1991 Positive Emotions in Early Life and Longevity: Findings from the Nun Study. Nuns who lived in cloister since early adulthood. Followed into old age, USA, 1991 Soons (2006): study NL 1987 Het Geluk van de Happy Single. (The Happiness of the Happy Single). Young adults, followed from age 18 to 26, The Netherlands, 1987-1999 Pearson-Scott (1978): study US NorthCarolina 1976 Single Rural Elders. A Comparison of Dimensions of Life Satisfaction. 65+ aged rural area, United States, 1976-77 Oswald et al. (2007): study ZZ Europe 2002 Relationships Between Housing and Healthy Aging in Very Old Age. 75-89 aged, living alone in urban districts, five European nations 2002-2004 Dorsett & Oswald (2014): study GB 2005 Human Well-being and In-Work Benefits: A Randomized Controlled Trial. 18+ aged unemployed single mothers, UK, followed 5 years. Participants and controls in a program, 2003-2008