Special publics Special public: Living in nursing home Path INSTITUTIONAL LIVING Living in nursing home Number of studies 10 Additional keywords Related publics Related correlational subjects List of Studies on this Public Reference Title of publication Public Schneider & Coppinger (1971): study US 1969 Staff-Resident Perceptions of the Needs and Adjustment of Nursing Home Residents. Chronically impaired males, living in nursing home, USA, 196? Kahana & Kahana (1975): study US 1970 The Relationship of Impulse Control to Cognition and Adjustment among Institutionalized Aged Women. 55+ aged white females living in nursing home, USA, 197? Langer & Rodin (1976): study US 1973 The Effects of Choice and Enhanced Personal Responsibility for the Aged: A Field Experiment in an Institutional Setting. Nursing home residents, Hamden, Connecticut, USA, 1973 Clement (1980): study FR 1975 /1 De la Variation de Quelques Traits de Personalité en Fonction, notamment, de l'Age, du Sexe et du Niveau Intellectuel. (The Variation of Certain Personality Traits in Relation to Age, Sex, and Intelligent Level). 60-69 aged women, lower class, France 1975 Kozma & Stones (1980): study CA 1975 /1 The Measurement of Happiness: Development of the Measurement of Happiness: Development of the Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness (M.U.N.S.H.). Eldery, living in old age home,New Foundland, Canada, 197? Banziger & Roush (1983): study US 1978 Nursing Homes for the Birds: A Control- Relevant Intervention with Bird Feeders. Nursing home residents, Ohio, 198? DeKlerk (2005): study NL 2004 Ouderen in Instellingen. (Elderly Living in Institutions). Eldery living in institutions, The Netherlands, 2004 VanWeert et al. (2004): study NL 2001 Behavioral and Mood Effects of Snoezelen Integrated in 24-h Dementia Care. Demented elderly and controls, before and after sensory stimulation program,The Netherlands, 2001-2003 DenDraak (2010): study NL 2008 Oudere Tehuisbewoners Landelijk Overzicht van de Leefsituatie van Ouderen in Instellingen 2008/2009. ( Institutional Living of Older People National Survey of the Living Situation of Older People in Homes 2008/2009.) 50+ aged, living in institution, Netherlands, 2008-2009 VanCampen & Verbeek-Oudijk (2017): study NL 2015 Gelukkig in een Verpleeghuis? (Happy in a Nursing Home?) Nursing home residents, Netherlands, 2017