
Special publics

Special public: Mental Patients

HEALTH Mental Patients
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disorder, disturbed, mad
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List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Schwarz & Strian (1972): study XZ Germany West 1967 Psychometrische Untersuchungen zur Befindlichkeit psychiatrischer und intern-medizinischer Patienten. (Psychometric investigations on well-being in psychiatric and medical patients). Psychiatric patients, West Germany, 196? Pierce & Clark (1973): study US 1962 Measurement of Morale in the Elderly. 60+ aged, psychiatric cases and controls, San Fransisco, USA, 1962 Hacker & Gaitz (1969): study US 1966 The Moral Career of the Elderly Mental Patient. Aged mental patients, 1 year after admission, USA, 1966 Moriwaki (1974): study US 1971 The Affect Balance Scale: A Validity Study with Aged Samples. 60+ aged, psychiatric cases and controls, Los Angeles, USA, 1971 Pandey (1971): study US 1969 Popularity, Rebelliousness and Happiness among Institutionalized Retarded Males. Mentally retarded males, hospital, USA, 196? Alexander (1969): study US 1964 Some Sociological Aspects of Psychological Well-Being in a Schizophrenic Population: Social Class, Participation and Work. Schizophrenic males non-hospitalized, Monroe County, New York, USA, 1964-65 Baker & Intagliata (1982): study US 1981 Quality of Life in the Evaluation of Community Support Systems. Mental patients shortly after change in institutional setting, USA, 1981 Briscoe (1982): study GB 1977 Sex Differences in Psychological Well-Being. Married couples with high incidence of minor psychiatric problems, London, U.K., 1977 Estes (1973): study US 1971 Determinants of Differential Stress Levels among University Students. University students, mental patients and controls, California, USA, 1971-72 Banziger & Foos (1983): study US 1978 The Relationship of Personal Financial Status to the Utilization of Community Mental Health Centers in Rural Appalachia. Clients of community mental health centers, Ohio and West Virginia, 1982 Simpson et al. (1989): study GB 1987 The chronically mentally ill in community facilities. A study of quality of life. Chronic mental patients, Manchester, Great Britain, 1987 Barge-Schaapveld et al. (1997): study NL 1992 Assessing Daily Quality of Life with the Experience Sampling Method. Patients, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 199? Koivumaa-Honkanen et al. (2001a): study FI 1996 Self-Reported Life Satisfaction and Recovery from Depression in a 1-Year Prospective Study. Depression patients, out-clinic, Finland, followed 12 months 1996 Sullivan et al. (1991): study US 1988 Quality of Life of Seriously Mentally Ill Persons in Mississippi. Former inpatients of mental hospital, Mississipi, 1988 Holloway & Carson (1999): study GB 1990 Subjective Quality of Life, Psychopathology, Satisfaction with Care and Insight: An Exploratory Study. Mental patients, UK, followed 3 years,1990-1993 Lehman (1988): study US 1981 A Quality of Life Interview for the Chronically Mentally Ill. Chronic mental patients, USA,1981 Dott & Walling (1995): study EC 1990 Quality of Life: Exploring How Patients Change. Psychiatric patients, before and after hospitalization, USA, 199? Holloway & Carson (1998): study GB 1997 Intensive Case Management for the Severely Mentally Ill. Controlled Trial. Severe mental patients, London UK, followed 18 month, 1997-98 Derogatis & Rutigliano (1996): study US 1991 Derogatis Affects Balance Scale: DABS. Students and mental patients, USA 199? Rakib et al. (2005): study GB London 1999 Subjective Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), London, 1999. Lam et al. (1998): study HK 1995 Tests of Scaling Assumptions and Construct Validity of the Chinese (HK) Version of the SF - 36 Health Survey. 14+aged patients and students, Hong Kong 1996 Rudolf & Priebe (1999): study DE 1994 Subjective Quality of Life in Female In-Patients with a Depression: a Longitudinal Study. Female mental patients, Berlin, followed 6 month,199? Evans & Huxley (2005): study GB 1999 Adaptation, Response-shift and Quality of Life Ratings in Mentally Well and Unwell Groups. 18-65 aged, differing in mental health, followed 2 years, UK, 1999-2001 Packer et al. (1997): study CA 1992 Psychopathology and Quality of Life in Schizophrenia. 18-40 aged, schizophrenics, Canada,199? Oliver et al. (1996): study ZZ Western nations 1993 Quality of Life and Mental Health Services. Chronic mental patients, UK, USA, 1993-1994 Rosenfield (1997): study US 1988 Labelling Mental Illness: The Effects of Received Services and Perceived Stigma on Life Satisfaction. 20-70 Chronic mental patients, USA, 1989, Evans et al. (2007): study GB 1994 The Impact of Mental Illness on Quality of Life: A Comparison of Severe Mental Illness, Common Mental Disorder and Healthy Population Samples. Mental patients and controls, followed 2 years, UK 1994-2001 Franklin et al. (1986): study US 1985 Assessing Quality of Life of the Mentally Ill. A Three Dimensional Model. 18-65 aged, mentally ill, USA, 1985 Toussaint & Friedman (2009): study US 2004 Forgiveness, Gratitude and Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Affect and Beliefs. Psychotherapy outpatients, Philadelphia, USA, 2004 Wu & Wu (2008): study TW 1998 Life Satisfaction in Persons with Schizophrenia Living in the Community. Psychiatric outpatients,Taiwan, 199? Bergsma et al. (2011a): study NL 1996 /1 Most People with Mental Disorders are Happy: A 3-year Follow-Up in the Dutch General Population. 18-65 aged, diagnosed as having mental disorder, Netherlands, 1996 Bergsma et al. (2011a): study NL 1996 /2 Most People with Mental Disorders are Happy: A 3-year Follow-Up in the Dutch General Population. 18-65 aged, diagnosed as having a mental disorder, Netherlands, followed two years, 1996-1998 Chason (1975): study US 1974 A Comparison of Social Interest among Service-Oriented Professionals, Prisoners and Psychiatric Patients. Prisoners and comparison groups, 1974, USA Pishkin & Thorne (1973): study US 1968 A Factorial Study of Existential State Reactions. Deviants and normals, USA, 196? Reinhardt (1968): study US 1967 Characteristics of Moods in Hospitalized and Normally Functioning Women. Female mental patients and controls, USA, 1967 Laxer (1964): study US 1960 Relation of Real Self-Rating to Mood and Blame and Their Interaction in Depression. Psychiatric patients, USA, 196? VanWeert et al. (2004): study NL 2001 Behavioral and Mood Effects of Snoezelen Integrated in 24-h Dementia Care. Demented elderly and controls, before and after sensory stimulation program,The Netherlands, 2001-2003 Balkin (1968): study US 1964 Once More, with Feeling: Psychotherapy Revisited. 40-50 aged, female therapy clients, followed 4 weeks, USA 196? Lehman et al. (1992): study US 1983 Quality of Life Experiences of the Chronically Mentally Ill. Mental Patients, United States, 1986 Joiner et al. (1996): study US 1996 Tripartite Structure of Positive and Negative Affect, Depression, and Anxiety in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatients. 8-16 aged psychiatric inpatients, USA,1996 Kuiper & Martin (1998a): study CA Ontario 1993 Sense of Humor, self-concept, and Psychological Well-Being in psychiatric Inpatients. Psychiatric patients, Ontario Canada, 199? Coote & MacLeod (2012): study GB A Self-help, Positive Goal-focused Intervention to Increase Well-being in People with Depression. Depressed adults, United Kingdom, 200? Nyklícek & Kuijpers (2008): study NL 2005 Effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Intervention on Psychological Well-being and Quality of Life: Is Increased Mindfulness Indeed the Mechanism? Distressed adults, the Netherlands, 2005 Rabito-Alcon & Rodríguez-Molina (2016): study ES 2011 Satisfaction with Life and Psychological Well-being in People with Gender Dysphoria Pre-surgery gender dysphoric people and controls, Spain, 201? Abedi & Vostanis (2010): study IR 2008 Evaluation of Quality of Life Therapy for Parents of Children with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders in Iran Chlidren with obsessive compulsive disorder, mothers of which received a training or not. Iran, Isphahan, 2008 Stevanovic (2011): study RS 2008 Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire - Short Form for Quality of Life Assessments in Clinical Practice: a Psychometric Study Psychiatric patients, Serbia, 2008-2009 Debats (1996a): study NL 1991 Meaning in Life: Clinical Relevance and Predictive Power. 18-42 aged mental patients,before and after psychotherapy, Netherlands, 199? Bengtsson-Tops et al. (2005): study ZZ Scandinavia 2000 Subjective versus Interviewer Assessment of Global Quality of Life among Persons with Schizophrenia Living in the Community: A Nordic Multicenter Study. 25-55 aged schizophenic outpatients, Scandinavia, 2000