
Special publics

Special public: Handicapped

HEALTH Handicapped
Number of studies
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disabled, invalid
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List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Schneider & Coppinger (1971): study US 1969 Staff-Resident Perceptions of the Needs and Adjustment of Nursing Home Residents. Chronically impaired males, living in nursing home, USA, 196? Cameron et al. (1973): study US 1971 The Life Satisfaction of Non-Normal Persons. Handicapped and controls Detroit, USA,197? Cameron et al. (1973): study US 1971 /1 The Life Satisfaction of Non-Normal Persons. Handicapped and controls Detroit, USA,197? Cameron et al. (1971): study US 1969 Happiness or Life Satisfaction of the Malformed. Handicapped and controls Detroit, USA,197? Schulz & Decker (1985): study US 1985 Longterm Adjustment to Physical Disability: The Role of Social Support, Perceived Control and Self-Blame. 40+ aged, spinal-cord-injured, non-institutionalised, Portland Oregon, USA, 198? Fugl-Meyer et al. (1991a): study SE 1984 Vocational Rehabilitation in Northern Sweden III. Aspects of Life Satisfaction. Handicapped referred for vocational rehabilitation,followed 2 years, Umea, Sweden, 1984-1986 Matikka & Ojanen (2002): study FI 1994 Happiness in Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. 18-77 aged intellectually disabled, Finland, 1994-2000 Reitz et al. (2004): study CH 1999 Impact of Spinal Cord Injury on Sexual Health and Quality of Life. Spinal cord injured, Switzerland, 199? VanCampen (2007): study NL 2003 Bruto Nationaal Geluk: een Proef op de Som . (Gross National Happiness: a Test.) 18-65 aged, Netherlands, 2003 Uppal (2006): study CA 1991 Impact of the Timing, Type and Severity of Disability on the Subjective Well-Being of Individuals with Disabilities. Disabled, Canada, 1991 Hofoss (2004): study NO 1984 Healthy Living Does not Reduce Life Satisfaction among Physically Handicapped Persons. 25 -50 aged physically handicapped, Norway, 1984-1986 Eden et al. (1998): study SE 1992 Is Disability Pension related to Quality of Life? 25-59 aged disability pensioners, Kristianstad, Sweden, 1992 Kemp & Krause (1999): study US California 1994 Depression and Life Satisfaction Among People Ageing with Post-Polio and Spinal Cord Injury. Post-polio and Spinal cord injury and controls, California, USA 199? Kemp & Krause (1999): study US California 1994 /2 Depression and Life Satisfaction Among People Ageing with Post-Polio and Spinal Cord Injury. Post-polio patients, California, USA, 199? Kemp & Krause (1999): study US California 1994 /1 Depression and Life Satisfaction Among People Ageing with Post-Polio and Spinal Cord Injury. Spinal cord injury patients, Southern California, USA, 199? Siösteen et al. (1990): study SE 1985 The Quality of Life of Three Functional Spinal Cord Injury Subgroups in a Swedish Community. Spinal Cord Injury, Swedish, 198? Hall et al. (1999): study US 1996 Follow-Up Study of Individuals With High Tetraplegia (C1-C4) 14 to 24 Years Postinjury. Tetraplegia patients 14-24 years after injury, United States, 1996 Kinney & Coyle (1992): study US 1992 Predicting Life Satisfaction Among Adults With Physical Disabilities. 18-55 aged, physically disabled, USA,1992 Jennes-Coussens et al. (2006): study CA 2001 The Quality of Life of Young Men with Asperger Syndrome. Young male adults, aged 18-21, Canada D'Elboux Diogo (2003): study BR 2001 Satisfação global com a vida e determinados domínios entre idosos com amputação de membros inferiores (Satisfaction with life overall and with specific life domains among elderly persons with a lower limb amputation) Elderly patients, Brazil, 2001 Müller et al. (2016): study US 2013 Effects of a Tailored Positive Psychology Intervention on Well-Being and Pain in Individuals With Chronic Pain and a Physical Disability. A Feasibility Trial Physically disabled patients with chronic pain, USA, 2013