
Special publics

Special public: Transgender

GENDER Transgender
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queer, transsexual, cisgender
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List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Hess et al. (2014): study DE 2011 Satisfaction with male-to-female gender reassignment surgery. Results of a retrospective analysis. Transgenders male-to-female, Germany, 2011 Eldh et al. (1997a): study SE 1971 Long Term Follow Up after Sex Reassignment Surgery. Transsexuals after sex reassignment surgery in Sweden during the period 1971-2001 Constantino et al. (2013): study ZZ Western Europe 2001 A Prospective Study on Sexual Function and Mood in Female-to-Male Transsexuals During Testosterone Administration and After Sex Reassignment Surgery FTM transsexuals followed for 5 years since start of treatment, 2001-2008, Netherlands and Germany Kuiper & Cohen-Kettenis (1988): study NL 1983 Sex Reassignment Surgery: A Study of 141 Dutch Transsexuals Transsexuals, in treatment and after treatment, Netherlands, 198? Drydakis (2016): study GB 2012 Transgenderism, Sex Reassignment Surgery and Employees' Job-Satisfaction Transgender men and women, before and after sex reassignment surgery, UK, 2012-2014 Couch et al. (2008): study ZZ 2006 TranZnation. A Report on the Health and Wellbeing of Transgendered People in Australia and New Zealand. Transgender people, Australia and New Zealand, 2006-7 McNeil et al. (2012): study ZZ 2012 Trans Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Study 2012 Transgender people, UK and Ireland, 2012 Thompson et al. (2015): study US San Francisco, California 2010 Quality-of-Life Measurement: Assessing the WHOQOL-BREF Scale in a Sample of High-HIV-Risk Transgender Women in San Francisco, California Transgender women with high HIV risk, San Fransisco, USA, 2010 Löwenberg et al. (2010): study DE 2005 Komplikationen, subjektive Zufriedenheit und sexuelles Erleben nach geslechtsangleichender Operation bei Mann-zu-Frau-Transsexualität. ( Complications, subjective Satisfaction and sexual Perception after Man-to-Woman-Gender Operation.) Trans women 1-10 years after sex reassingment surgery, Essen, Germany, 200? Cadenas Blanco et al. (2019): study ES 2014 Life satisfaction in people with gender dysphoria: control case study (Satisfaccion con la vida en personas con disforia de genero: Estudio caso-control) Patients of a gender clinic and controls, Spain, 201? Zeluf et al. (2016): study SE 2014 Health, disability and quality of life among trans people in Sweden-a web-based survey Transgender people, Sweden, 2014 Gerymski (2017): study PL 2015 Influence of the Sex Reassignment on the Subjective Well-being of Transgender Men - Results of the Pilot Study and Discussion about Future Research Hetero-, bi and homosexual transgender and cisgender men, Poland, 2015 Rabito-Alcon & Rodríguez-Molina (2016): study ES 2011 Satisfaction with Life and Psychological Well-being in People with Gender Dysphoria Pre-surgery gender dysphoric people and controls, Spain, 201? Holt et al. (2019): study US 2017 Trans Collaborations Clinical Check-In (TC 3): Initial Validation of a Clinical Measure for Transgender and Gender Diverse Adults Receiving Psychological Services Transgender people, USA, 2017 Gerymski (2018): study PL 2013 Support and coping as moderators of the relationship between perceived stress and the quality of life of transgender people Transgender people and cisgender controls, Poland, 201? Lindqvist et al. (2017): study SE 2003 Quality of life improves early after gender reassignment surgery in transgender women Transgender women undergoing gender reassingment surgery, 2003-2015, Sweden Jones et al. (2015a): study AU 2013 Female-to-Male (FtM) Transgender People's Experiences in Australia: A National Study Female-to-male transgender people, Australia, 2013 Buncamper (2016): study NL 2015 The Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty Transgender women with neo-vagina, followed 1 year post surgery, Netherlands, 2011-15 Vandersluis et al. (2016): study NL 2011 Long-Term Follow-Up of Transgender Women After Secondary Intestinal Vaginoplasty Transgender women who underwent secondary intestinal vaginoplasty between 1970-2000, Netherlands, 201? Gulbrandsen (2013): study NO 2004 Quality of Life after Sex Reassignment Treatment - A Prospective Study of Norwegian Transsexual Patients' Quality of Life Patients who underwent sex reassignment surgery,Norway, 2008-2012 Kumchenko et al. (2020): study RU 2019 Preference for Masculine or Feminine Gender Roles and Its Relationship to Well-Being in Transgender Persons: Comparing Pre-Treatment, Hormonal Therapy, and Post-Surgery Groups Transgender people and cisgender controls, Russia, 201? Carone et al. (2020): study US 2016 Demographics and Health Outcomes in a U.S. Probability Sample of Transgender Parents Transgender individuals and cisgender controls, USA, 2016-2019 Gava et al. (2016): study IT 2011 Cyproterone acetate vs leuprolide acetate in combination with transdermal estradiol in transwomen: a comparison of safety and effectiveness Trans women on hormone replacement therapy followed 1 year, Italy, 201? Gava et al. (2018): study IT 2013 Testosterone undecanoate and testosterone enanthate injections are both effective and safe in transmen over 5 years of administration Transgender men on testosterone treatment, followed 5 years, Italy, 201? Pelusi et al. (2014): study IT 2009 Effects of Three Different Testosterone Formulations in Female-to-Male Transsexual Persons Transgender men on hormone therapy, Italy, 201? European Union FRA (2014): study NL 2012 European Union lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender survey: Main results 18+ aged lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgende people, Netherlands, 2012 European Union FRA (2020): study NL 2019 EU-LGBTI II: A Long Way to Go for LGBTI Equality 18+ aged lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people, Netherlands, 2019