Special publics Special public: Male Path GENDER Male Number of studies 60 Additional keywords boys, men Related publics Related correlational subjects List of Studies on this Public Reference Title of publication Public Palisi (1984a): study ZZ Western nations 1977 Marriage Companionship and Marriage Well-Being: A Comparison of Three Metropolitan Areas in Three Countries. Males, metropolitan areas: London, Los Angeles and Sydney, 1977-1980 Palisi (1985a): study ZZ Western nations 1977 /1 Interaction with Kin, Social-Status and Well-Being. Males, metropolitan areas: London, Los Angeles and Sydney, 1977-80 DeGoede & Maassen (1987): study NL 1982 Niet Jong en Niet Oud: Verschillen in Omgaan met Werkeloosheid. (Not Young and Not Old: Differences in Coping with Unemployment.) 25-55 aged males, unemployeds and controls, The Netherlands, 1982/2 Palisi (1985b): study ZZ Western nations 1977 Voluntary Associations and Well-Being in Three Metropolitan Areas: Cross Cultural Evidence. Males, metropolitan areas: London, Los Angeles and Sydney, 1977-80 Costa & McCrae (1980): study US 1976 Influence of Extraversion and Neuroticism on Subjective Well-Being: Happy and Unhappy People. 35-85 aged white males (largely veterans), USA, 1976 Costa & McCrae (1980): study US 1965 Influence of Extraversion and Neuroticism on Subjective Well-Being: Happy and Unhappy People. 25-75 aged white males (largely veterans), followed 10 years, USA, 1965-76 Palisi (1984): study ZZ Western nations 1977 /1 Household Crowding and Well-Being: A Cross-Cultural Analysis. Males, metropolitan areas, London, Los Angeles and Sydney, 1977-80 Schneider & Coppinger (1971): study US 1969 Staff-Resident Perceptions of the Needs and Adjustment of Nursing Home Residents. Chronically impaired males, living in nursing home, USA, 196? Bachman et al. (1970): study US 1966 Youth in Transition, Vol. 1,2,3,4,5. Public highschool boys followed 3 years from grade 10, USA, 1966-69 Wessman & Ricks (1966): study US 1957 /1 Mood and Personality. Male college students, followed 3 years, Harvard University, USA, 1957-60 Webb (1915): study GB 1912 Character and Intelligence. An Attempt at an Exact Study of Character. Male college students, England, 1912 Webb (1915): study GB 1912 /1 Character and Intelligence. An Attempt at an Exact Study of Character. 12 aged, male school pupils, London, England, 1912 Garrity (1973): study US NorthDakota 1970 Social Involvement and Activeness as Predictors of Morale Six Months after First Myocardial Infarction. White males, heart-attack survivors, Durham, North-Carolina, USA, 1970 Peretti & Wilson (1975): study US 1973 Voluntary and Involuntary Retirement of Aged Males and Their Effect on Emotional Satisfaction, Usefulness, Self-Image, Emotional Stability and Interpersonal Relationships. 60-70 aged living in a retirement home, USA, 197? Pandey (1971): study US 1969 Popularity, Rebelliousness and Happiness among Institutionalized Retarded Males. Mentally retarded males, hospital, USA, 196? Payne (1975): study GB 1972 Recent Life Changes and The Reporting of Psychological States. Employed males, supervising jobs, England, 197? Payne (1974): study GB 1972 N.M. Bradburn's Measures of Psychological Well-Being: An Attempt at Replication. Employed males, supervising jobs, England, 197? Costa et al. (1981): study US 1958 Personal Adjustment to Aging: Longitudinal Prediction from Neuroticism and Extraversion. 17-97 aged males, visitors of the Gerontology Research Centre, followed ± 10 years Baltimore, USA. 1958-70 Costa et al. (1985): study US 1958 Longitudinal Course of Social Support among Men in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Married males, followed ±12 years Baltimore, USA, 1958-1970 Bachman et al. (1978): study US 1966 Youth in Transition, Vol. VI. Adolescence to Adulthood. Change and Stability in the Lives of Young Men. Public highschool boys followed 8 years from grade 10, USA, 1966-74 Alexander (1969): study US 1964 Some Sociological Aspects of Psychological Well-Being in a Schizophrenic Population: Social Class, Participation and Work. Schizophrenic males non-hospitalized, Monroe County, New York, USA, 1964-65 Henggeler & Borduin (1981): study US 1981 /1 Satisfied Working Mothers and their Preschool Sons: Interaction and Psychosocial Adjustment. 4 year old boys, sons of married white mothers, USA, 1981 Heeren (1969): study US 1967 Entrepreneurial vs. Bureaucratic Fathers as Related to Family Structure, Happiness, and Two Measures of Independence. Male undergraduates, University of Kansas, USA, 1967 Iris & Barrett (1972): study US 1970 Some Relations between Job and Life Satisfaction and Job Importance. Male supervisors, chemical plant, USA, 197? Baker (1976): study US 1971 Relationship of Retirement and Satisfaction with Life Events to Locus of Control. 55+ aged males, USA, 1971 Harry (1976): study US 1973 Evolving Sources of Happiness for Men over the Life Cycle: A Structural Analysis. 18+ aged males, living with family, USA, 1973 Levy (1978): study US 1977 Some Determinants of Temporal Experience in the Retired and its Correlates. 52-74 aged white male retirees, from two universities Mid-West U.S.A. 1977 McCrae & Costa (1991): study US Baltimore County, Maryland 1979 Adding 'Liebe und Arbeit': The Full Five Factor Model and Well-Being. Single males and couples Baltimore USA, followed 7 years, 1979-86 Palisi & Canning (1983): study ZZ Western nations 1977 Urbanism and Social Psychological Well-Being: A Cross-Cultural Test of Three Theories. Males, metropolitan areas, England, USA, Australia, 1977-1980 Palisi (1986): study US 1977 Friendship in Three Metropolitan Areas: Cross-Cultural Evidence of its Voluntariness. Males, metropolitan areas: London, Los Angeles and Sydney, 1977-80 Palisi (1985): study ZZ Western nations 1977 /2 Formal and Informal Participation in Urban Areas. Males, metropolitan areas: London, Los Angeles and Sydney, 1977-80 Wessman (1973): study US 1957 Personality and the subjective experience of time. Male college students, followed 3 years, Harvard University, USA, 1957-60 Maxwell (1985): study US 1966 The Retirement Experience: Psychological and Financial Linkages to the Labor Market. 45+ aged males, USA, followed 12 years 1966-1978 Sondermeyer (1975): study NL 1970 Gezondheid en Geluk. (Health Correlates of Happiness). 40-60 aged male employees, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 197? Erbes & Hedderson (1985): study US 1968 A Longitudinal Examination of the Separation/Divorce Process. Male heads of households, followed 4 years, USA, 1968-72 Dobson (1985): study US 1964 Attitudes and Perceptions. 50+ aged males, fulltime employed at T1, followed ten years, Iowa, USA, 1964-74 Gehmacher (1990a): study AT 1989 Stress und Stressbewältigung. ( Stress and Coping). Military male cadres, Austria, 1989 Gehmacher (1992d): study AT 1989 /1 Sport, Gesundheit und Lebenszufriedenheit.(Sport, Health and Life Satisfaction.) Military male cadres, Austria, 1989 Bachman et al. (1978): study US 1966 /1 Youth in Transition, Vol. VI. Adolescence to Adulthood. Change and Stability in the Lives of Young Men. Public highschool boys followed 8 years from grade 10, USA, 1966-74 Bray & Howard (1980): study US 1956 Career Success and Life-Satisfactions of Middle Aged Managers. 40+ aged, male managers, Bell Telephone Company, 1956-1976 Bray & Howard (1983): study US 1956 The AT & T Longitudinal Studies of Managers. 40+ aged male managers, Bell Telephone Company, 1956-1980 Sears (1977): study US 1921 /1 Sources of Life Satisfactions of the Terman Gifted Men. Gifted men (IQ>135), followed 50 years, California, USA, 1921-72 Pappot & Phaff (2004): study NL 2004 Geluk onder Gedetineerden. (Happiness in Jail). Prisoners and controls, The Netherlands, 2004 Weston et al. (2003): study AU 2001 The Impact of Long Working Hours on Employed Fathers and Their Families. Employed fathers, Australia, 2001 Henkens (1997): study NL 1992 Inactiviteit en Sociaal Isolement, Gezondheid en Welbevinden: Mannelijke Werkelozen, Arbeidsongeschikten, Werkenden en Vutters Vergeleken. (Inactivity and Social Isolation, Health and Well-Being: Employed and Unemployed Compared). 55-64 aged men, The Netherlands, 1992 Winkelmann & Winkelmann (1998): study XZ Germany West 1984 Why are the Unemployed so Unhappy? Evidence from Panel Data. 20-64 aged males, Germany, followed 6 years, 1984-1990 Shamir (1985a): study IL 1983 Unemployment and 'Free Time'. The Role of Protestant Work Ethic and Work Involvement. 27-47 aged unemployed male academics, Israel, 1983 Reynolds & Nelson (1981): study US 1975 Personality, Life Satisfaction and Life Expectancy. Institutionalized elderly chronically ill males, Los Angeles, USA, 1975-1978 Thomas & Chambers (1989): study ZZ East-West pairs 1984 Phenomenology of Life Satisfaction among Elderly Men: Quantitative and Qualitative Views. 70+ aged, highly educated men, New Delhi, India & London, England, 198? Goudy et al. (1975): study US 1964 The Work-Satisfaction, Retirement-Attitude Typology: Profile Examination. 50+, employed, male, USA 1964 Rosmond & Lapidus (1996): study SE Göteborg 1992 Mental Distress, Obesity and Body Fat Distribution in Middle-Aged Men. Middle-aged men, Sweden, 1992 Pischke (2011): study ZZ Europe 2002 Money and Happiness: Evidence from the industry Wage Structure. 20-64 aged men, Europe, 2002-2008 Jennes-Coussens et al. (2006): study CA 2001 The Quality of Life of Young Men with Asperger Syndrome. Young male adults, aged 18-21, Canada Gerymski (2017): study PL 2015 Influence of the Sex Reassignment on the Subjective Well-being of Transgender Men - Results of the Pilot Study and Discussion about Future Research Hetero-, bi and homosexual transgender and cisgender men, Poland, 2015 Beck (1982): study US 1976 Adjustment to and Satisfaction with Retirement. 55-69 aged men, USA, 1976. Burton et al. (1993): study US 1976 Roles, Race and Subjective Well-being: A Longitudinal Analysis of Elderly Men. 55-69 aged men, USA, followed 5 years, 1976-1981 Crowley (1986): study US 1981 Longitudinal Effects of Retirement on Men's Well-Being and Health. 54-69 aged men, USA, 1981 Garry & Lohan (2011): study GB Northern Ireland 2007 /1 Mispredicting Happiness across the Adult Lifespan: Implications for the Risky Health Behaviour of Young People. 16-44 aged males, Northern Ireland, 2007 Flouri & Buchanan (2002): study GB 1998 Life Satisfaction in Teenage Boys: The Moderating Role of Father Involvement and Bullying. Boys; teens; UK; 1998 Shapiro & Lambert (1999): study US 1987 Longitudinal Effects of Divorce on the Quality of the Father-Child Relationship and on Fathers' Psychological Well-Being. Fathers of child below age 19, USA, followed 5 years 1987 - 1994