
Special publics

Special public: Couples

FAMILY Couples
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Additional keywords
bond, marriage, pair
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List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Rose (1955): study US 1952 Factors Associated with the Life Satisfaction of Middle-Class, Middle-Aged Persons. Married couples, middle aged, middle-class, USA, 1952-53 McCrae & Costa (1991): study US Baltimore County, Maryland 1979 Adding 'Liebe und Arbeit': The Full Five Factor Model and Well-Being. Single males and couples Baltimore USA, followed 7 years, 1979-86 Polit et al. (1980): study US 1975 The Only Child Grows Up: A Look at Some Characteristics of Adults Only Children. Couples, white, middle/upper class, USA, 1975 Critelli (1977): study US 1975 Romantic Attraction and Happiness. Dating couples, midwest university, USA, 1975 Anderson et al. (1985): study US 1985 Dropping out of Marriage and Family Therapy: Interventions, Strategies and Spouses' Perceptions. Couples, followed family therapy, USA, 1985-86 Abbey et al. (1994): study US 1988 Psychosocial Predictors of Life Quality: How are They Effected by Infertility, Gender and Parenthood? Infertile couples and matched controls, followed 3 years, USA 1988-1990 Demerouti et al. (2005): study NL 2002 Spillover and Crossover of Exhaustion and Life Satisfaction among Dual-Earning Parents. Dual-earning parents of young children, the Netherlands, 2000 Kleiboer (2006): study NL 2001 Couples Dealing with Multiple Sclerosis. A Diary Study Examining the Effects of Spousal Interactions and Well-Being. MS patients and their spouse, The Netherlands, 200? Booth & VanOurs (2009): study AU 2001 Hours of Work and Gender Identity: Does Part-time Work Make the Family Happier? Couples, Australia, followed 4 years 2001-2004 Ackerman et al. (1989): study US 1986 Farm Work and Family: Major Sources of Satisfaction for Farm Families. Dairy farm couples, Utah, USA,1986 Bortner et al. (1974): study ZZ Various nation sets 1962 A Cross-Cultural Study of the Effects of Children on Parental Assessment of Past, Present and Future. 21+ aged, married, Dominican Republic, Yugoslavia, Panama, 1962 Abbey et al. (1992): study US 1987 Infertility and Subjective Well-Being: The Mediating Roles of Self-Esteem, Internal Control, and Interpersonal Conflict. Infertile couples, United States, 1987 Alston et al. (1976): study US 1973 Extent of Interfaith Marriages among White Americans. White couples USA 1973-1975 Knabe & Rätzel (2010): study DE 1999 Income, Happiness, and the Disutility of Labor. 18-65 aged working couples, Germany, followed 7 years, 1999-2006 Luttmer (2005): study US 1987 Neighbors as Negatives: Relative Earnings and Well-Being. 19+ aged couples, United States, followed 6 years, 1987-1994 Pischke (2011): study US 1972 Money and Happiness: Evidence from the industry Wage Structure. 20-64 aged couples, USA, 1972-2006 Mangiavacchi & Rapallini (2009): study IT 2003 Life Satisfaction and Household Production in a Collective Model: Evidence from Italy. Dual earner couples, Italy, 2002-2003 Ruvolo (1998): study US Detroit 1987 Marital Well-Being and General Happiness of Newlywed Couples: Relationships across Time. Newly wed couples, USA, followed one year 1987-1988 Rudolf (2014): study KR 1998 Work Shorter, Be Happier? Longitudinal Evidence from the Korean Five -Day Working Policy. Married couples with children, followed 10 years before and after 5-day work policy, South Korea 1998-2008 Myrskyla & Margolis (2014): study DE 1984 Happiness: Before and after the kids New parents, Germany, followed before and after first child, 1984 - 2009