
Special publics

Special public: Unemployed

EMPLOYMENT Not Employed Unemployed
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jobless, unwaged
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List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public DeGoede & Maassen (1987): study NL 1982 Niet Jong en Niet Oud: Verschillen in Omgaan met Werkeloosheid. (Not Young and Not Old: Differences in Coping with Unemployment.) 25-55 aged males, unemployeds and controls, The Netherlands, 1982/2 Kirchler (1984b): study AT 1983 Sechs Monate ohne Arbeit. (Six Months without Work). Unemployed, followed 6 months after job loss, Linz Austria, 1983 Shamir (1985): study IL 1983 /1 Sex Differences in Psychological Adjustment to Unemployment and Reemployment: A Question of Commitment, Alternatives or Finance? 27-47 aged academics, unemployed and reemployed, Israel, 1983 Atkinson et al. (1986): study US 1982 The Social Costs of Unemployment: Implications for Social Support. Unemployed males followed 2 month after jobloss and matched controls, Boston, USA, 1982 Hoff & Jehoel-Gijsbers (1998): study NL 1982 Een Bestaan zonder Baan. (Live without Work). Adults, in labor force, The Netherlands, 1982-1995 Lang (1999): study DE 1997 Ostdeutsche Befindlichkeiten ein Jahrzehnt nach der Wende - Ambivalente Spuren des Umbruchs. (Attitudes in East Germany 10 Years after Reunification). 20-24 and 40-44 aged, Germany, 1997 Lucas (2008): study XZ Germany West 1984 Personality and Subjective Well-Being. Employed - unemployed - -re-employed, Germany, followed 15 years 1984-1998 Koch et al. (2005): study DE 2002 Workfare: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. (Workfare: Possibilities and Limitations). 18-65 aged, on low wage or on social security, Germany, 2002-2003 Knabe & Rätzel (2007): study DE 1992 Quantifying the Psychological Costs of Unemployment: The Role of Permanent Income. 21-64 aged, Germany, followed 13 years ,1992-2005 Ouweneel (2002): study ZZ Developed nations 1980 Social Security and Well-Being of the Unemployed in 42 Nations. Unemployed adults, 42 nations, 1980-90 Ouweneel (2002): study ZZ Developed nations 1980 /1 Social Security and Well-Being of the Unemployed in 42 Nations. Employed and unemployed adults, 42 nations, 1980-90 Shamir (1986): study IL 1983 Protestant work ethic, work involvement and the psychological impact of unemployment. 27-47 aged academics, followed 6 months, Israel, 1983 Shamir (1985a): study IL 1983 Unemployment and 'Free Time'. The Role of Protestant Work Ethic and Work Involvement. 27-47 aged unemployed male academics, Israel, 1983 Winkelmann (2009): study XZ Germany West 1984 Unemployment, Social Capital, and Subjective Well-Being. Employed, who fell unemployed, West-Germany 1984-2004 Zijlmans (2009): study DE 1998 /1 Work Involvement in the Valuation of Unemployment. Unemployed, 21-64 aged, Germany, 1998-1999 Knabe et al. (2009): study DE 2008 Dissatisfied with Life, but Having a Good Day: Time-Use and Well-Being of the Unemployed. Fulltime employed and long-term unemployed, Germany, 2008 Drenth et al. (1983): study NL 1981 /1 The Meaning of Working. Results of a Survey on a National Sample and Ten Specific Target Groups in the Netherlands: A source Book. Employed, unemployed and retired people, Netherlands, 1981 Scales & Scase (2001): study GB 2001 Fit and Fifty? Britain Towards 2010. 50-59 aged, Britain, 2001 Krause (2013): study DE 2007 Don't Worry, be Happy? Happiness and Reemployment. 16+ aged, recently fallen unemployed, Germany, 2007-2008 Galatzer-Levy et al. (2010): study DE 1984 From Marianthal to Latent Growth Mixture Modeling: A Return to the Exploration of Individual Differences in Response to Unemployment. 21-60 aged unemployed, before and after jobloss, Germany, 1984-2003 Burke (1984): study CA Ontario 1983 The Closing at Canadian Admiral Correlates of Individual Well-Being Sixteen Months After Shutdown. Former employees, Ontario, Canada, 1982 Worach-Kardas & Kostrzewski (2014): study PL Lodzkie 2010 Quality of Life and Health State of Long - Term Unemployed in Older Production Age. 45+,aged unemployed, Poland, 2016 Hobdy et al. (2007): study US Texas 2006 The Role of Attachment Style in Coping with Job Loss and the Empty Nest in Adulthood. Empty nest and job-loss adults, USA, 2006 Caliendo & Tübbicke (2019): study DE 2013 Do Start-Up Subsidies for the Unemployed Affect Participants’ Well-Being? A Rigorous Look at (Un-)Intended Consequences of Labor Market Policies* Participants in a subsidized business start-up program and controls, Germany, followed 40 months 2013-2016 Binder & Coad (2016): study DE 1997 How Satisfied are the Self-Employed? A Life Domain View. Working aged people, Germany, 1997-2010