
Special publics

Special public: Retired

EMPLOYMENT Not Employed Retired
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List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Chang & Dodder (1984): study US 1980 Activity and Affect among the Aged. Retired teachers, Oklahoma, USA and Taipei, Taiwan, 198? Skrabanek (1969): study US 1968 Adjustment of Former University Faculty Members to Retirement. Retired faculty members, University, USA, 1968 Thompson et al. (1960): study US 1952 The Effect of Retirement on Personal Adjustment: A Panel Analysis. 60+ aged, employed at start, followed 2 years, USA, 1952-54 Garber (1971): study US California 1970 Retired Soldiers in Second Careers: Self-Assessed Change, Reference Group Salience, and Psychological Well-Being. Middle-aged, presently employed army retirees, California, USA, 1970 Peretti & Wilson (1975): study US 1973 Voluntary and Involuntary Retirement of Aged Males and Their Effect on Emotional Satisfaction, Usefulness, Self-Image, Emotional Stability and Interpersonal Relationships. 60-70 aged living in a retirement home, USA, 197? Moriwaki (1973): study US 1971 Self-Disclosure, Significant Others and Psychological Well-Being in Old Age. 60+ aged, retirees, Los Angeles County, USA, 1971 Levy (1978): study US 1977 Some Determinants of Temporal Experience in the Retired and its Correlates. 52-74 aged white male retirees, from two universities Mid-West U.S.A. 1977 Noelle-Neumann (1977a): study XZ Germany West 1976 /4 Politik und Glück. (Politics and Happiness). 16-29 aged and pensioners, West-Germany, 1976 Noelle-Neumann (1977a): study XZ Germany West 1976 /5 Politik und Glück. (Politics and Happiness). 16-29 aged and pensioners, West-Germany, 1976 Noelle-Neumann (1977a): study XZ Germany West 1976 /8 Politik und Glück. (Politics and Happiness). 16-29 aged and persioners, West-Germany, 1976 Maxwell (1985): study US 1966 The Retirement Experience: Psychological and Financial Linkages to the Labor Market. 45+ aged males, USA, followed 12 years 1966-1978 Snider (1980): study CA 1976 Explaining Life Satisfaction: It's the Elderly's Attitudes that Count. 65+ aged, retired whites, Edmonton, Canada, 1976 Larson (1989): study US 1984 /1 Is Feeling "In Control" Related to Happiness in Daily Life? Retired inhabitants of middle-sized Ontario metropolitan, USA, 198? Danner et al. (2001): study US 1991 Positive Emotions in Early Life and Longevity: Findings from the Nun Study. Nuns who lived in cloister since early adulthood. Followed into old age, USA, 1991 Bell (1975a): study US 1973 The Limitations of Crisis Theory as an Explanatory Mechanism in Social Gerontology. Males shortly before and after retirement, USA 1973-74 Lepper (1998): study US California 1993 Use of Other-Reports to Validate Subjective Well-Being Measures. Retirees, Southern California, USA, followed 9 months199? Huff-Fox (1977): study US 1970 Effects of Retirement and Former Work life on Women's' Adaptation to Old Age. Older white middle-class women, USA, 1970 Godoy-Izquierdo et al. (2009): study CA Ontario 1981 Balance Afectivo en Hombres y Mujeres: Implicaciones de la Edad y el Sexo. (Affect Balance amon Men and Women: Implications of Age and Sex). Male retirees, Canada, followed 6-7 years, 1981-1988 Jackson & Gibson (1985): study US 1979 Work and Retirement among the Black Elderly. 55+ aged blacks, USA, 1979-80 Börsch-Supan & Jürgens (2006): study XZ Germany West 1984 Early Retirement, Social Security and Well-Being in Germany. 50-65 aged, West-Germany, followed 18 years, 1984-2002 Lehr & Dreher (1969): study XZ Germany West 1965 Determinants of Attitudes towards Retirement. 60-75 aged middle class employees or former employees, Germany, 1965 Lehr & Dreher (1969): study XZ Germany West 1965 /1 Determinants of Attitudes towards Retirement. Retired and employed steelworkers, Germany 1965 Drenth et al. (1983): study NL 1981 /1 The Meaning of Working. Results of a Survey on a National Sample and Ten Specific Target Groups in the Netherlands: A source Book. Employed, unemployed and retired people, Netherlands, 1981 Eden et al. (1998): study SE 1992 Is Disability Pension related to Quality of Life? 25-59 aged disability pensioners, Kristianstad, Sweden, 1992 Francis & Bolger (1994): study GB 1993 Personality and Psychological Well-Being in Later Life. 55-85 aged, retired civil servants, United Kingdom, 199? Ritter et al. (1999): study US 1998 Current Concepts Review: Retirement from Orthopaedic Surgery. Retired orthopaedic surgeons, United States, 1998 Virshub & Coombs (1993): study US Los Angeles County, California 1988 Physicians' Adjustment to Retirement. Retired physicians, Los Angeles County, 198? Austrom et al. (2003): study US 2000 Predictors of Life Satisfaction in Retired Physicians and Spouses. Retired physicians and spouces, USA, 2000 Abdel-Khalek (2015): study KW 2010 Quality of Life, Subjective Well-Being, and Religiosity, among Kuwaiti Patient and Non-Patient Retired Workers. Retired civil service worker, Kuwait, 2010 Gonzalez-Herero & Garcia-Martin (2012): study ES Málaga, Andalucía 2007 Personality, Activities, and Well-Being: A Study Based on Women in Late Adulthood 50-82 aged middle class women, Spain, 200? Hatch & Stull (1986): study US 1969 Unraveling the Effects of Multiple Life Changes. A Reanalysis. 58-63 aged married, followed 6 years, USA, 1969-1975 Stull (1988): study US 1975 A Dyadic Approach to Predicting Well-Being in Later Life. 58-63 aged married, followed 2 years, USA, 1975-1979 Beaman (2010): study CA 2005 The Role of Emotional Awareness, and Positive and Negative Social Support in Predicting Well-Being in Recent Retirees. Recent retirees, Canada, followed 1 year, 200/-200/ Cho & Lee (2014): study KR 2000 Life Satisfaction of the Aged in the Retirement Process: A Comparative Study of South Korea with Germany and Switzerland. 50+ aged wage workers, South Korea, followed 8 years, 2000-2007 Cho & Lee (2014): study DE 2000 Life Satisfaction of the Aged in the Retirement Process: A Comparative Study of South Korea with Germany and Switzerland. 50+ aged wage workers, Germany, followed 8 years, 2000-2007 Cho & Lee (2014): study SZ 2000 Life Satisfaction of the Aged in the Retirement Process: A Comparative Study of South Korea with Germany and Switzerland. 50+ aged wage workers,Switzerland, followed 8 years, 2000-2007 Crowley (1986): study US 1981 Longitudinal Effects of Retirement on Men's Well-Being and Health. 54-69 aged men, USA, 1981 Grogan & Summerfield (2014): study RU 2006 Government Transfers, Work and Occupational Identity: Evidence from the Russian Old-Age Pension. 46-59 aged women and 51-64 aged men, Russia, followed 5 years, 2006-2011 Moller (1985): study ZA 1984 Quality of Life in Retirement: A Survey Evaluation of Return Migration tot Kwazulu. Ex-migrant workers, returned to rural Kwazulu, South Africa, 1984 Pinquart & Schindler (2007): study DE 1984 Changes of Life Satisfaction in the Transition to Retirement: A Latent-Class Approach. Retirees, Germany, followed 19 years, 1984-2003 Ryan et al. (2017): study US 2008 Effects of Pre-Retirement Personality, Health and Job Lock on Post-Retirement Subjective Well-being 44-85 aged, followed 4 years before and after retirement, USA, 2008/12--2010/14 Wells et al. (2009): study AU 1998 Health and Wellbeing through Work and Retirement Transitions in Mature Age: Understanding Pre-Post and Retrospective Measures of Change 48-73 aged, followed 3 years before and after retirement, Australia, 1998-2002 Sohier (2019): study ZZ EU 9 2006 Do Involuntary Longer Working Careers Reduce Well-being? 50-70 aged adults, 9 nations, followed 7 years, 2006-2013 Danzer & Danzer (2016): study UA 2003 Pension Generosity and Mental Wellbeing: The Effect of Eradicating Poverty at Old-Age. Elderly followed 5 years before and after reaching pension age, Ukraine, 2003-2007 Apouey et al. (2018): study AU 2001 Retirement and Unexpected Health Shocks 50-74 aged, Australia, followed before and after retirement, 2001-2014. Latif (2011): study CA 1994 The Impact of Retirement on Psychological well-being in Canada. 45+ aged adults, Canada, followed 13 years. 1994-2007 Dingemans & Henkens (2014): study NL 2001 Involuntary Retirement, Bridge Employment, and Satisfaction with Life: A Longitudinal Investigation. 50-64 aged, Netherlands, followed before and after retirement, 2001-2011 Dingemans & Henkens (2015): study NL 2001 How do Retirement Dynamics Influence Mental Well-being in later Life? A 10-year Panel Study. 50+ aged, Netherlands, followed before and after retirement, 2001-2011