Special publics Special public: Employees Path EMPLOYMENT Employed Employees Number of studies 28 Additional keywords staff, worker List of Studies on this Public Reference Title of publication Public Neuberger & Allerbeck (1978): study XZ Germany West 1970 Messung und Analyse von Arbeitszufriedenkeit. (Measurement and Analysis of Satisfaction with Work). Employees, industry or service sector, Austria and West germany, ±1970 Neuberger & Allerbeck (1978): study XZ Germany West 1977 Messung und Analyse von Arbeitszufriedenkeit. (Measurement and Analysis of Satisfaction with Work). Employees, commercial and textile-manufacturing occupations, West-Germany, 1977 Neuberger & Allerbeck (1978): study XZ Germany West 1977 /1 Messung und Analyse von Arbeitszufriedenkeit. (Measurement and Analysis of Satisfaction with Work). Employees, metal industry, West-Germany, 1977 Neuberger & Allerbeck (1978): study XZ Germany West 1976 Messung und Analyse von Arbeitszufriedenkeit. (Measurement and Analysis of Satisfaction with Work). Skilled labourers, West-Germany, 1976 Neuberger & Allerbeck (1978): study XZ Germany West 1976 /1 Messung und Analyse von Arbeitszufriedenkeit. (Measurement and Analysis of Satisfaction with Work). Administrative employees, General Sickfund, West-Germany, 1976 Neuberger & Allerbeck (1978): study XZ Germany West 1978 Messung und Analyse von Arbeitszufriedenkeit. (Measurement and Analysis of Satisfaction with Work). Employees, glass industry, West-Germany, 1976 Neuberger & Allerbeck (1978): study XZ Germany West 1976 /2 Messung und Analyse von Arbeitszufriedenkeit. (Measurement and Analysis of Satisfaction with Work). Employees, assembly industry, West-Germany, 1976 Neuberger & Allerbeck (1978): study XZ Germany West 1975 Messung und Analyse von Arbeitszufriedenkeit. (Measurement and Analysis of Satisfaction with Work). Employees, synthetic processing industry, West-Germany, 1975 Neuberger & Allerbeck (1978): study XZ Germany West 1976 /3 Messung und Analyse von Arbeitszufriedenkeit. (Measurement and Analysis of Satisfaction with Work). Young female employees, cure-clinic, West Germany, 1976 Sondermeyer (1975): study NL 1970 Gezondheid en Geluk. (Health Correlates of Happiness). 40-60 aged male employees, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 197? Larson (1989): study US 1984 Is Feeling "In Control" Related to Happiness in Daily Life? Lower-middle class employees, Chicago-area, USA, 198? Hoopes & Lounsbury (1989): study US 1985 An Investigation of Life Satisfaction Following a Vacation: A Domain Specific Approach. Working adults, USA, before and after vacation, 198?, Dunn et al. (2008): study US 2008 /1 Spending Money on Others Promotes Happiness. 18+ aged, employees, followed 3 months before and after receiving a bonus, USA, 2008 Gash et al. (2010): study DE 1996 Women between Part-Time and Full-Time Work: The Influence of Changing Hours of Work on Happiness and Life Satisfaction. Married women aged 20-59, Germany, followed 10 years, 1996-2006, Gash et al. (2010): study GB 1996 Women between Part-Time and Full-Time Work: The Influence of Changing Hours of Work on Happiness and Life Satisfaction. Married women aged 20-59, United Kingdom, followed 10 years, 1996-2006, Staats et al. (1995a): study US 1989 Uplifts, Hassles, and Quality of Life in Older Workers. 50+aged full time employees, USA, 1989 Martin & Lichter (1983): study US Michigan 1973 Geographic Mobility and Satisfaction with Life and Work. 16+ aged, employees, Michigan USA, followed 4 years, 1973-1977 Stokols et al. (1983): study US 1980 Residential Mobility and Personal Well-Being. University employees, California, USA, 1980 Andersson (2008): study SE 1991 Happiness and Health: Well-Being among the Self-Employed. 18+aged, working people, Sweden, followed 9 years, 1991-2000 Feicht et al. (2013): study DE 2012 Evaluation of a Seven-Week Web-Based Happiness Training to Improve Psychological Well-Being, Reduce Stress, and Enhance Mindfulness and Flourishing: A Randomized Controlled Occupational Health Study. Participants happiness training and controls, , 2012, followed 12 weeks, Germany Fritsch et al. (2018): study ZZ Europe 2013 Self-Employment and Well-Being Across Institutional Contexts 18+aged,working people, 32 European countries, 2013 Lounsbury et al. (2004): study ZZ Developed nations 2002 Personality, Career Satisfaction, and Life Satisfaction: Test of a Directional Model. Librarians and information science professionals, developed nations, 2002 Neumeier et al. (2017): study ZZ 2014 Delivering Your Daily Dose of Well-Being to the Workplace: A Randomized Controlled Trial of an Online Well-Being Programme for Employees Employees, multiple countries, 2014 Campione (2008): study US 1997 Employed Women's Well-Being: The Global and Daily Impact of Work. Female employees, USA, 1997 Yucel & Minnotte (2017): study US 2007 Workplace Support and Life Satisfaction: the Mediating Roles of Work-to-Family Conflict and Mental Health. Working population, USA, 2007 - 2008 Frone et al. (2018): study DE 2015 A German version of the Three‐Dimensional Work Fatigue Inventory (3D‐WFI): Factor Structure, Internal Consistency, and Correlates Workers, Germany, 2015-2017 Miner & Glomb (2010): study US 2017 State Mood, Task Performance, and Behavior at Work: A Within-Persons Approach Employees, United States, 2017 Moorman (1993): study US 1990 The Influence of Cognitive and Affective Based Job Satisfaction Measure on the Relationship Between Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Employees, United States, 1990