Special publics Special public: Employed Path EMPLOYMENT Employed Number of studies 92 Additional keywords job, work Related publics Related correlational subjects List of Studies on this Public Reference Title of publication Public Thompson et al. (1960): study US 1952 The Effect of Retirement on Personal Adjustment: A Panel Analysis. 60+ aged, employed at start, followed 2 years, USA, 1952-54 Garber (1971): study US California 1970 Retired Soldiers in Second Careers: Self-Assessed Change, Reference Group Salience, and Psychological Well-Being. Middle-aged, presently employed army retirees, California, USA, 1970 Payne (1975): study GB 1972 Recent Life Changes and The Reporting of Psychological States. Employed males, supervising jobs, England, 197? Payne (1974): study GB 1972 N.M. Bradburn's Measures of Psychological Well-Being: An Attempt at Replication. Employed males, supervising jobs, England, 197? Shamir (1985): study IL 1983 /1 Sex Differences in Psychological Adjustment to Unemployment and Reemployment: A Question of Commitment, Alternatives or Finance? 27-47 aged academics, unemployed and reemployed, Israel, 1983 Kammann (1979): study NZ 1975 Sourcebook for Affectometer 1. Working adults, Dunedin New Zealand, 1975 Noelle-Neumann (1977a): study XZ Germany West 1973 /3 Politik und Glück. (Politics and Happiness). Working people, West-Germany, 1973 Noelle-Neumann (1977a): study XZ Germany West 1973 /5 Politik und Glück. (Politics and Happiness). Working people, middle and lower professions, West-Germany, 1973 Noelle-Neumann (1977a): study XZ Germany West 1975 /2 Politik und Glück. (Politics and Happiness). Employed persons: middle and lower professions, West-Germany, 1975 Noelle-Neumann (1977a): study XZ Germany West 1976 /6 Politik und Glück. (Politics and Happiness). Employed persons, West-Germany, 1976 Chassie & Bhagat (1980): study US 1978 Role Stress in Working Women: Differential Effect on Selected Organizational Outcomes. Working women, USA, 197? Michalos (1980): study CA 1979 Satisfaction and Happiness. University staff members, Guelph Canada, 1979 Gavin & Kelley (1978): study US 1973 The Psychological Climate and Reported Well-Being of Underground Miners: An Exploratory Study. Miners, non-management, company, USA, 197? Dobson (1985): study US 1964 Attitudes and Perceptions. 50+ aged males, fulltime employed at T1, followed ten years, Iowa, USA, 1964-74 Gehmacher (1990): study AT 1988 Stressbewältigung und Selbstbestimtheit. (Coping with Stress and Locus of Control). Railway employees, Austria, 1988 Bränholm et al. (1991): study SE 1986 On Work and Life Satisfaction. 25-55 aged, vocationally actives, Umea, Northern Sweden, 1986/87 Hedley (1981): study AU 1977 Work, Life and the Pursuit of Happiness: A Study of Australian Industrial Workers. Shop-floor workers in four metropolitan areas, south-eastern Australia, 1977 Park (1998): study KR 1996 Work and Quality of Life in the Perception of the Korea People: Focusing on the Difference among Occupational Groups. Working people, South Korea, 1996 Weston et al. (2003): study AU 2001 The Impact of Long Working Hours on Employed Fathers and Their Families. Employed fathers, Australia, 2001 Nock (1981): study US 1973 Family Life-Cycle Transitions: Longitudinal Effects on Family Members. 16+ aged working force, USA, followed 5 years, 1973-1977 Zamfir (1984): study RO 1979 Indicatori si Surse de Variatie a Calitatii Vietii. (Indicators and Sources of Variation of Quality of Life). Working people, Romania, 1979 Deen et al. (2003): study NL 2003 Werkt Nederland nog Gelukkig? Een Onderzoek naar de Tevredenheid en Werkbeleving van de Nederlandse Werknemer. (Do the Dutch Work Happily?) 18 - 64 aged employees, The Netherlands, 2003 Deen et al. (2005): study NL 2005 Het Geluk van Werkend Nederland 2005. (The Happiness of Working People in the Netherlands in 2005). 16-64 aged workers, The Netherlands, 2005 DeBeer (2002): study NL 1998 Druk, Druk .... Geluk? (Busy, Busy .....Happiness?). Employed, the Netherlands, 1998 Hoff & Jehoel-Gijsbers (1998): study NL 1982 Een Bestaan zonder Baan. (Live without Work). Adults, in labor force, The Netherlands, 1982-1995 Tamakoshi et al. (2000): study JP 1989 Depressive Mood and Suicide among Middle-Aged Workers: Findings from a Prospective Cohort Study in Nagoya, Japan. 40-54 aged male workers, Japan, followed 4,5 years 1989-1995 Luechinger et al. (2008): study XZ Germany West 1984 Why does Unemployment Hurt the Unemployed? Evidence from the Life Satisfaction Gap between the Public and Privat Sector. Employees, private and public sector. West-Germany, 1984-2004. Luechinger et al. (2008): study ZZ EU 13 1989 Why does Unemployment Hurt the Unemployed? Evidence from the Life Satisfaction Gap between the Public and Privat Sector. Employees, public and private sector, 13 European nations, 1989-1994 Wong (1985a): study US 1984 Effects of Individual Sources of Support on Well-Being in Employed Parents. Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984 Lucas (2008): study XZ Germany West 1984 Personality and Subjective Well-Being. Employed - unemployed - -re-employed, Germany, followed 15 years 1984-1998 Koch et al. (2005): study DE 2002 Workfare: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. (Workfare: Possibilities and Limitations). 18-65 aged, on low wage or on social security, Germany, 2002-2003 Nathawat & Mathur (1993): study IN 1988 Marital Adjustment and Subjective Well-Being in Indian-Educated Housewives and Working Women. Educated Indian Women age 22-52 , India, 1989 Ouweneel (2002): study ZZ Developed nations 1980 /1 Social Security and Well-Being of the Unemployed in 42 Nations. Employed and unemployed adults, 42 nations, 1980-90 Shamir (1986): study IL 1983 Protestant work ethic, work involvement and the psychological impact of unemployment. 27-47 aged academics, followed 6 months, Israel, 1983 Arora (2003): study US 2000 Happiness and the Jobless Recovery. 18+aged, employed, USA, 2000-2003 DiTella & MacCulloch (2006): study XZ Germany West 1985 /1 Some Uses of Happiness Data in Economics. Employed females, Germany 1985-2000 Winkelmann (2009): study XZ Germany West 1984 Unemployment, Social Capital, and Subjective Well-Being. Employed, who fell unemployed, West-Germany 1984-2004 Kahneman & Krueger (2006): study US 2004 Developments in the Measurement of Subjective Well-Being. Employed females, USA , 2004 Conen (2005): study ZZ EU 15 2001 De Baan in Europa: Best belangrijk? Een onderzoek naar de Relatie tussen Arbeidsduur en Levensvoldoening. (Job in Europe: Important? On the Relation between Worktime and Life Satisfaction). 15-64 aged working people, 15 European countries, 2001 Lalive & Stutzer (2010): study CH 2000 Approval of Equal Rights and Gender Differences in Well-Being. Salaried workers, Switzerland, 2000-2001 Knabe et al. (2009): study DE 2008 Dissatisfied with Life, but Having a Good Day: Time-Use and Well-Being of the Unemployed. Fulltime employed and long-term unemployed, Germany, 2008 Miles & Rossi (2007): study ES 2001 Learning about one's Relative Position and Subjective Well-Being. 16-65 aged, satisfied public sector workers, Spain, 2001-03 Pichler (2009): study ZZ Europe 2004 Determinants of Work-Life Balance: Shortcomings in the Contemporary Measurement of WLB in Large-Scale Surveys. Employed in paid work, 26 European nations, 2004-05 Lehr & Dreher (1969): study XZ Germany West 1965 Determinants of Attitudes towards Retirement. 60-75 aged middle class employees or former employees, Germany, 1965 Goudy et al. (1975): study US 1964 The Work-Satisfaction, Retirement-Attitude Typology: Profile Examination. 50+, employed, male, USA 1964 Lehr & Dreher (1969): study XZ Germany West 1965 /1 Determinants of Attitudes towards Retirement. Retired and employed steelworkers, Germany 1965 Drobnic et al. (2010): study ZZ EU 9 2003 Good Job, Good Life? Working Conditions and Quality of Life in Europe. Working people, 9 European Union countries, 2003 Drenth et al. (1983): study NL 1981 /1 The Meaning of Working. Results of a Survey on a National Sample and Ten Specific Target Groups in the Netherlands: A source Book. Employed, unemployed and retired people, Netherlands, 1981 Stapel (1950): study NL 1948 What is Job Satisfaction? Working people, The Netherlands, 1948 DeVoe & Pfeffer (2009): study US 2002 When Is Happiness About How Much You Earn? The Effect of Hourly Payment on the Money-Happiness Connection. Working people, USA, 2002 DeVoe & Pfeffer (2009): study US 1987 When Is Happiness About How Much You Earn? The Effect of Hourly Payment on the Money-Happiness Connection. Working people, USA, 1987 - 1988 Scales & Scase (2001): study GB 2001 Fit and Fifty? Britain Towards 2010. 50-59 aged, Britain, 2001 Alesina et al. (2005): study DE 1990 Work and leisure in the U.S. and Europe: Why so Different? employed heads of household, Germany, followed 10 years from 1990-2000 Alesina et al. (2005): study ZZ Europe 1992 Work and leisure in the U.S. and Europe: Why so Different? 15-64 aged, employed heads of household, 10 EU countries, 1972-1995 Helliwell & Huang (2010): study CA 2003 How's the Job? Well-Being and Social Capital in the Workplace. Workers, Canada, ,2003 Ahlstrand & Bränholm (1998): study SE 1993 Activity Performance, Life Satisfaction and Locus of Control in Young Women on Sick Leave. 30- aged women on sick leave, Sweden, 199? VanderMeer & Wielers (2013): study ZZ Europe 2004 What Makes Workers Happy? Working people, 20 European countries, 2004. Knabe & Rätzel (2010): study DE 1999 Income, Happiness, and the Disutility of Labor. 18-65 aged working couples, Germany, followed 7 years, 1999-2006 Senasu & Singhapakdi (2014): study TH 2012 Happiness in Thailand: The Effects of Family, Health and Job Satisfaction, and the Moderating Role of Gender. 15-70 aged employed,Thailand, 2012 Beja Jr. (2013): study ZZ 2000 Who is Happier; The Housewife or the Working Wife? Married women, 44 nations, 2000 Dräger (2015): study DE 1995 Do Employment Protection Reforms Affect Well-Being? Employees, Germany, followed 6 years,1995-2001 Kaliterna Lipovcan et al. (2004): study HR 2004 Quality of Life, Life Satisfaction and Happiness in Shift- and Non-Shiftworkers. Professionals in social care settings, Croatia, 2004 Park (1991): study KR Seoul 1991 Sex- Role Attitudes and Employment Status as Predictors of Perceived Life Satisfaction among Married Women in Korea. Married women, Seoul, South Korea, 1991 Mangiavacchi & Rapallini (2009): study IT 2003 Life Satisfaction and Household Production in a Collective Model: Evidence from Italy. Dual earner couples, Italy, 2002-2003 Daukantaite & Zukauskiene (2006): study LT 2001 Swedish and Lithuanian employed women’s subjective well-being. Middle-aged employed Lithuanian women, 200? Daukantaite & Zukauskiene (2006): study SE 1998 Swedish and Lithuanian employed women’s subjective well-being. Middle-aged employed Swedish women 1998 Burger & Veenhoven (2017a): study NL 2017 Geluk onder docenten (Happiness among Teachers) Working people, visitors of a self-help website, Netherlands, 2011-2015 Burger & Veenhoven (2017a): study NL 2008 Geluk onder docenten (Happiness among Teachers) Working people, visitors of a wage info website, Netherlands, 2008-2009 Tay et al. (2017a): study US 2012 Debt and Subjective Well-being: The Other Side of the Income-Happiness Coin 18+ aged employed collage graduates with Internet access, USA, 201? Luechinger et al. (2013): study US 1994 Governance, Bureaucratic Rents, and Well-Being Differentials Across US States. Working people, USA 1992-94 Loewe et al. (2014a): study CL 2013 Life Domain Satisfactions as Predictors of Overall Life Satisfaction Among Workers: Evidence from Chile. Employed, 18-74, Chile, 2013 Baker (2011): study US 2008 It's Good to Be Grateful: Gratitude Interventions at Work Students employed for > 10 hours a week, , USA, 2008 Ahn (2005): study ES 1999 Factors Affecting Life Satisfaction among Spanish Workers: Relative Importance of Wage and Other Factors. Working people, Spain, 1999 -2003 Binder & Coad (2016): study DE 1997 How Satisfied are the Self-Employed? A Life Domain View. Working aged people, Germany, 1997-2010 Ahn (2007): study ES 1999 Value of Intangible Job Characteristics in Workers’ Job and Life Satisfaction: How Much Are They Worth? Working people, Spain, 1999-2004 Helliwell & Huang (2008): study CA 2002 Well-Being and Trust in the Workplace. Working population, Canada, 2002 - 2003 Helliwell & Huang (2008): study CA 2003 Well-Being and Trust in the Workplace. Working population, Canada, 2003 Helliwell & Huang (2008): study US 2001 Well-Being and Trust in the Workplace. Working population, USA, 2001 Zoch et al. (2021): study DE 2020 Gender Differences in Reduced Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic - the Role of Working Conditions Working population, Germany, during first months of corona pandemic, 2020 Merino & Privado (2015): study ES 2012 Does Employee Recognition Affect Positive Psychological Functioning and Well-Being? Working population, Spain, 2012 Lambert et al. (2010a): study US 2009 The Relationship among distributive and procedural Justice and correctional Life Satisfaction, Burnout, and turnover Intent: an exploratory Study. Working population, USA, 2009 Avery (2010): study US 2005 Investigating the Racioethnic Differences in the Link Between Workplace Racioethnic Dissimilarity and Life Satisfaction. Working population, USA, 2005 Seiler Zimmermann & Wanzenried (2019): study CH 2017 Do Management Jobs Make Women Happier as Well? Empirical Evidence for Switzerland Working population, Switzerland, 2017 Carleton & Kelly (2016): study US 2006 Exploring Job Satisfaction and Happiness for those in Alternative Work Arrangements. Working population, USA, 2006-2014 Gonzalez-Herero & Garcia-Martin (2012): study ES Málaga, Andalucía 2007 Personality, Activities, and Well-Being: A Study Based on Women in Late Adulthood 50-82 aged middle class women, Spain, 200? Hershey & Henkens (2013): study NL 2001 Impact of Different Types of Retirement Transitions on Perceived Satisfaction with Life. 50+ aged, employed, Netherlands, followed 6 years, 2001-2007 Montizaan (2010): study NL 2008 Pension Rights, Human Capital Development and Well-Being. Male public sector workers, close to pre-retirement, age, facing change in pension rights, Netherlands, 2008-2009 Latif (2011): study CA 1994 The Impact of Retirement on Psychological well-being in Canada. 45+ aged adults, Canada, followed 13 years. 1994-2007 Watson & Slack (1993): study US Texas 1984 General Factors of Affective Temperament and their Relation to Job Satisfaction over Time. University personnel, United States, followed 4 years, 1984-1988 Jackson (1993): study US Ohio 1989 Black, Single, Working Mothers in Poverty: Preferences for Employment, Well-Being, and Perceptions of Preschool-Age Children. Working single mothers with 3/4 years aged child, recipients of subsidized childcare, City in Ohio, United States of America, 1989 Bull & Mittelmark (2009): study ZZ Scandinavia 2004 Work Life and Mental Wellbeing of Single and Non Single Working Mothers in Scandinavia. Employed mothers, 4 Scandinavian countries, 2004 Fletcher & Marvell (2023): study GB 2018 Furthering transgender inclusion in the workplace: advancing a new model of allyship intentions and perceptions Employed, United Kingdom, 2018