
Special publics

Special public: Trainees

Number of studies
Additional keywords
apprentice, novice
Related correlational subjects

List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Rahe et al. (1971): study US 1969 Psychologic Correlates of Serum Cholesterol in Man: A Longitudinal Study. Military trainees, followed 2 month, Navy, USA, 197? Fillenbaum & Willis (1976): study US 1970 Effects of a Training Program: Older Persons Caring for the Elderly. 50-79 aged, females, trainees and controls, USA, 1970 Lichter et al. (1980): study NZ 1978 Increasing Happiness through Cognitive Retraining. Adults, trainees and controls, followed 10 weeks, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1978 Diener et al. (1995c): study US 1991 The Personality Structure of Affect. College students, USA, 1991-1992