Special publics Special public: Highschool pupils Path EDUCATION Highschool pupils Number of studies 90 Additional keywords learner, student Related publics Related correlational subjects List of Studies on this Public Reference Title of publication Public Balswick & Balkwell (1978): study US 1976 Religious Orthodoxy and Emotionality. High school students, Georgia, USA, 1970 Wessman et al. (1960): study US 1957 Characteristics and Concomitants of Mood Fluctuations in College Women. Female college students, followed 6 weeks, Radcliffe, USA, 1957 Ramzy-Saleh Guirguis & Hermans (1973): study NL 1970 Correlates of Psychological Well-Being and Emotionality. Secundary school pupils, The Netherlands, 1970 Brenner (1970): study US 1960 Social Factors in Mental Well-Being at Adolescence. Highschool pupils, New York State, USA, 1960 Bachman et al. (1970): study US 1966 Youth in Transition, Vol. 1,2,3,4,5. Public highschool boys followed 3 years from grade 10, USA, 1966-69 Hermans & Tak-VandeVen (1973): study NL 1971 Bestaat er een Oorspronkelijke Dimensie:"Positief Innerlijk Welbevinden"? (Are there Arguments in Favor of an Original Dimension "Positive Psychological Well-Being"?) Secondary school pupils, The Netherlands, 197? Bachman et al. (1978): study US 1966 Youth in Transition, Vol. VI. Adolescence to Adulthood. Change and Stability in the Lives of Young Men. Public highschool boys followed 8 years from grade 10, USA, 1966-74 Willits et al. (1978): study US 1946 Migrant Status and Success: A Panel Study. Highschool pupils, rural area, followed 25 years, Pennsylvania, USA, 1946-71 Block (1971): study US 1936 Lives through Time. Highschool pupils, followed from age 11 to 35, USA, 1936-1957 Block (1971): study US 1936 /1 Lives through Time. Highschool pupils, followed from age 11 to 32, USA, 1936-51 Rosenberg (1962): study US 1960 The Dissonant Religious Context and Emotional Disturbance. High school pupils, New York, USA,1960 Symonds (1937): study US 1935 Happiness as related to problems and interest. High school pupils and college students, USA, 193? Tuddenham (1959): study US 1934 The Constancy of Personality Ratings over Two Decades. High school pupils, followed into adulthood, California USA, 1934-53 Tuddenham (1962): study US 1938 Constancy of Personal Morale over a Fifteen-Year Interval. Senior high-school pupils, followed into adulthood, USA, 1938-53 Bachman et al. (1978): study US 1966 /1 Youth in Transition, Vol. VI. Adolescence to Adulthood. Change and Stability in the Lives of Young Men. Public highschool boys followed 8 years from grade 10, USA, 1966-74 Larson (1989): study US 1984 /2 Is Feeling "In Control" Related to Happiness in Daily Life? Adolescents suburban Chicago high school, USA, followed 2 years, 198?-8? Abdel-Khalek (2006a): study KW 2002 Measuring Happiness by a Single Item Scale. Secondary school students, Kuwait 2002 Lee (2003): study KR 2000 Daily Contextual Variations in Levels of Adolescent Happiness. Middle school students, South Korea, 200? Loehlin & Nichols (1976): study US 1963 Heredity, Environment and Personality. A Study of 850 Sets of Twins. Adolescent same-sex twins, USA, 1963 Veenhoven & Verkuyten (1989): study NL 1986 The Well-Being of Only Children. Secondary school pupils, The Netherlands, 1986 Langeveld (1998): study NL 1992 Quality of Life in Adolescents with Migraine and Other Headaches. Secundary school pupils, Netherlands, 199? Csikszentmihalyi & Hunter (2003): study US 1998 Happiness in Everyday Life: the Uses of Experience Sampling. Teenagers, USA, 199? VanHoof & Raaijmakers (2002): study NL 1997 The Spatial Integration of Adolescent Identity: Its Relation to Age, Education, and subjective Well-Being. 12-21 aged, secondary schools, The Netherlands, 1997? Tiggemann & Winefield (1980): study AU 1978 Some Psychological Effects of Unemployment in School-Leavers. School-leavers, South Australia, followed 1978-1979 Baltatescu (2003): study RO Oradea 2003 Sport Participation and Subjective Well-Being of Adolescents: Mediation of Self-Esteem and Leisure Satisfaction. High school students, Oradea, Romenia, Brulé & Veenhoven (2014a): study ZZ Developed nations 1997 Participatory Teaching and Happiness in developed Nations. Adolescents, 22 developed countries, 1997-2006 Fararouei et al. (2013): study IR 2008 Happiness and Health Behaviour in Iranian adolescent Girls. 11-19 aged highschool girls, Iran, 200? Crous et al. (2018): study ES 2017 What Aspects are Important to Adolescents to Achieve Full Satisfaction in Life? 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 OECD (2017): study AT 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Austria, 2017 Leung & Zhang (2000): study HK 1998 Modelling Life Satisfaction of Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong. Chinese adolescents, Hong-Kong, 1998 OECD (2017): study CL 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Chile, 2017 OECD (2017): study BE 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Belgium, 2017 OECD (2017): study CZ 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Czech Replublic, 2017 OECD (2017): study EE 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Estonia, 2017 OECD (2017): study FI 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Finland, 2017 OECD (2017): study GR 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Greece, 2017 OECD (2017): study HU 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Hungary, 2017 OECD (2017): study JP 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Japan, 2017 OECD (2017): study LV 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Latvia, 2017 OECD (2017): study NL 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Netherlands, 2017 OECD (2017): study PL 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Poland, 2017 OECD (2017): study SK 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Slovakia, 2017 OECD (2017): study SI 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Slovenia, 2017 OECD (2017): study CH 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Switzerland, 2017 OECD (2017): study TR 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Turkey, 2017 OECD (2017): study US 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, United States of America, 2017 OECD (2017): study BR 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Brazil, 2017 OECD (2017): study CN PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, China, 2017 OECD (2017): study BG 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Bulgaria, 2017 OECD (2017): study CR 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Costa Rica, 2017 OECD (2017): study CY 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Cyprus, 2017 OECD (2017): study LT 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Lithuania, 2017 OECD (2017): study ME 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Montenegro, 2017 OECD (2017): study PE 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Peru, 2017 OECD (2017): study QA 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Qatar, 2017 OECD (2017): study RU 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Russia, 2017 OECD (2017): study TH 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Thailand, 2017 OECD (2017): study TN 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Tunisia, 2017 OECD (2017): study UY 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Uruguay, 2017 OECD (2017): study AE 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, United Arab Emirates, 2017 OECD (2017): study TW 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Taiwan, 2017 OECD (2017): study CO 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Colombia, 2017 OECD (2017): study MY 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Malaysia, 2017 OECD (2017): study FR 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, France, 2017 OECD (2017): study DE 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Germany, 2017 OECD (2017): study IT 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Italy, 2017 OECD (2017): study PT 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Portugal, 2017 OECD (2017): study GB 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, United Kingdom, 2017 OECD (2017): study IS 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Iceland, 2017 OECD (2017): study IE 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Ireland, 2017 OECD (2017): study LU 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Luxembourg, 2017 OECD (2017): study KR 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Korea (South), 2017 OECD (2017): study MX 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Mexico, 2017 OECD (2017): study ES 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Spain, 2017 OECD (2017): study HR 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Croatia, 2017 OECD (2017): study DO 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Dominican Republic, 2017 OECD (2017): study MO 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Macao, 2017 OECD (2017): study HK 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Hong Kong, 2017 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study CA 2009 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15, Canada, 2009-2010 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study ZZ Developed nations 2009 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15, multiple nations, 2009-2010 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study GB 2009 /1 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15, England, 2009-2010 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study DE 2009 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15,Germany, 2009-2010 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study HU 2009 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15, Hungary, 2009-2010 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study IL 2009 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15, Israel, 2009-2010 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study IT 2009 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15, Itally, 2009-2010 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study NL 2009 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15, Netherlands, 2009-2010 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study PL 2009 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15, Poland, 2009-2010 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study GB 2009 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15, Scotland, 2009-2010 Archer et al. (2008): study SE Göteborg 2002 Affective Personality as Cognitive-Emotional Presymptom ProfilesRregulatory for Self-Reported Health Predispositions. Highschool students, Gotenborg, Sweden 200? Archer et al. (2008): study SE Göteborg 2002 /1 Affective Personality as Cognitive-Emotional Presymptom ProfilesRregulatory for Self-Reported Health Predispositions. High school students, Goteborg, Sweden 200?