
Special publics

Special public: Alumni

Number of studies
Additional keywords
graduate, former student
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List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Betz (1984): study US 1982 Two Tests of Maslow's Theory of Need Fulfillment. College graduated women, USA, 1982 Gordon & Hall (1974): study US 1971 Self-Image and Stereotypes of Femininity: Their Relationship to Women's Role Conflicts and Coping. Married female graduates of liberal arts college, Univ. of Connecticut, USA,1971 Kahn et al. (1985): study US 1963 Relations between Identity in Young Adulthood and Intimacy at Midlife. Allumni artschool followed 18 years, USA, 1963-81 Mortimer & Lorence (1981): study US 1962 Self-Concept Stability and Change from Late Adolescence to Early Adulthood. University graduates 1966/67, followed into adulthood, Michigan, USA, 1962-76 Tay et al. (2017a): study US 2012 Debt and Subjective Well-being: The Other Side of the Income-Happiness Coin 18+ aged employed collage graduates with Internet access, USA, 201?