
Special publics

Special public: Very old

AGE groups Elderly Very old
Number of studies
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List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Covinsky et al. (1999): study US 1994 Health Status versus Quality of Life in Older Patients: Does the Distinction Matter? 80+ aged patients 2 months after hospitalization, USA, 1994 Danner et al. (2001): study US 1991 Positive Emotions in Early Life and Longevity: Findings from the Nun Study. Nuns who lived in cloister since early adulthood. Followed into old age, USA, 1991 Michalos et al. (2001): study CA British Columbia 1999 Health and Other Aspects of the Quality of Life of Older People. 55-95 aged, Northern Interior Health Region, British Columbia, Canada, 1999 Parker et al. (1992): study SE 1986 Predictors of Mortality for the Oldest Old. A 4-Year Follow-Up of Community-Based Elderly in Sweden. 75+ aged, rural community, Sweden, followed 4 years, 1986-1990 Dykstra & Wagner (2007): study DE 1990 Pathway to Childlessness and Late-Life Outcomes. 70-100+ aged, West-Berlin, Germany 1990-1993 Nybo et al. (2001): study DK 1998 Functional Status and Self-Rated Health in 2,262 Nonagenarians: the Danish 1905 Cohort Study. 92-93 aged, Denmark, 1998 Yi & Vaupel (2002): study CN 1998 Functional Capacity and Self-Evaluation of Health and Life of Oldest Old in China. 80-105 aged, China, 1998 Isaacowitz & Smith (2003): study DE Berlin 1990 Positive and Negative Affect in Very Old Age. 70-100+aged, Germany, 1990-1993. Kunzmann et al. (2000): study DE Berlin 1990 Is Age-Related Stability of Subjective Well-Being a Paradox? Cross-Selection and Longitudinal Evidence from the Berlin Aging Study. 70-103 aged, Germany, 1990-1993 Li et al. (2008): study CN 2002 An Exploration of the Subjective Well-Being of the Chinese Oldest-Old. 80+ aged, China, 2002 Jopp & Rott (2006): study DE Heidelberg 2001 Adaptation in Very Old Age: Exploring the Role of Resources, Beliefs and Attitudes for Centenarians' Happiness. 99+ aged, Heidelberg, Germany , 2001 Gfellner (1989): study CA 1984 Perceptions of Health, Abilities, and Life Satisfaction among very Old Adults. 80+ aged, hospitalized within 2 years, Canada, 1984