
Special publics

Special public: Adults

AGE groups Adults
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List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Bernow (1985): study SE 1982 Livskvaliteten i Sverige. (Quality of Life in Sweden). 18-70 aged, general public, Sweden, 1982 Costa & McCrae (1980): study US 1965 Influence of Extraversion and Neuroticism on Subjective Well-Being: Happy and Unhappy People. 25-75 aged white males (largely veterans), followed 10 years, USA, 1965-76 Brickman et al. (1978): study US 1977 /1 Lottery Winners and Accident Victims: Is Happiness Relative? Lottery players, USA and non-player controls, Illinois, USA, 1977 Cantril (1965): study IL 1962 The Pattern of Human Concern. Adults, living in Kibutz, Israel, 1962 Makarczyk (1962): study PL 1960 Factors affecting Life Satisfaction among People in Poland. Adults, general public, students and peasants excluded, Poland, 1960 Costa et al. (1981): study US 1958 Personal Adjustment to Aging: Longitudinal Prediction from Neuroticism and Extraversion. 17-97 aged males, visitors of the Gerontology Research Centre, followed ± 10 years Baltimore, USA. 1958-70 Shamir (1985): study IL 1983 /1 Sex Differences in Psychological Adjustment to Unemployment and Reemployment: A Question of Commitment, Alternatives or Finance? 27-47 aged academics, unemployed and reemployed, Israel, 1983 Austrom (1984): study CA Ontario 1982 The Consequences of Being Single. 23-59 aged English speaking, Toronto and Ontario, Canada, 198? Becker & Ester (1987): study NL 1986 Rampbewustzijn in Nederland. (Beliefs about Coming Disasters in the Netherlands). 18-70 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1986 Iisager (1948): study DK 1946 Factors Contributing to Happiness among Danish College Students. Adult college students, Denmark, 1946-47 DeJong-Gierveld (1969): study NL 1965 De Ongehuwden. (The Unmarried). 30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965 Kasl & Harburg (1975): study US 1970 Mental Health and the Urban Environment: Some Doubts and Second Thoughts. 25-60 aged married adults, Detroit, USA, 197? Fischer (1973): study US 1968 Urban Malaise. Adults, varying age ranges, general public, USA, 1968 Fischer (1973): study FR 1967 Urban Malaise. Adults, varying age ranges, general public, France, 1967 Fischer (1973): study US 1963 Urban Malaise. Adults, varying age ranges general public, USA, 1963 Fischer (1973): study US 1957 Urban Malaise. Adults, varying age ranges, general public, USA, 1957 Fischer (1973): study US 1952 Urban Malaise. Adults, varying age ranges, general public, USA, 1952 Forrester (1980): study US San Diego County, California 1980 Factors Contributing to Life Satisfaction of Divorced Women. 21-71 aged divorced women, San Diego, California, USA, 1980 Lewis (1972): study US 1967 Actual and Perceived Age Differences in Self-Concept and Psychological Well-Being for Catholic Sisters. 24-75 aged Catholic sisters, Eastern USA. 196? Kammann (1979): study NZ 1975 Sourcebook for Affectometer 1. Working adults, Dunedin New Zealand, 1975 Mussen et al. (1980): study US 1928 Continuity and Change in Women's Characteristics over Four Decades. Mothers, followed from age 30 to 70, Berkeley USA, 1928-68 Diener et al. (1985): study US 1984 Happiness of the Very Wealthy. Adult, wealthy and controls (general population), USA, 1984 Glenn & Weaver (1979): study US 1972 A Note on Family Situation and Global Happiness. 18-59 aged whites, non-institutionalized, USA, 1972-75 Glenn & Weaver (1981): study US 1973 /1 Education's Effects on Psychological Well-Being. 25-54 aged, general public, ,USA, 1973-1978 Herzog et al. (1982): study US 1971 Subjective Well-Being among Different Age Groups. 25-97 aged, general public, USA, 1971-1978 Lomranz & Lubin (1981): study IL 1976 A Hebrew Version of the Depression Adjective Check List. 18-40 aged college students Tell Aviv, Israel, 197? Zehner (1977): study US 1973 Indicators of the Quality of Life in New Communities. Residents communities,planned and unplanned, USA, 1973 Block (1971): study US 1936 Lives through Time. Highschool pupils, followed from age 11 to 35, USA, 1936-1957 Block (1971): study US 1936 /1 Lives through Time. Highschool pupils, followed from age 11 to 32, USA, 1936-51 Lichter et al. (1980): study NZ 1978 Increasing Happiness through Cognitive Retraining. Adults, trainees and controls, followed 10 weeks, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1978 Ward (1979): study US 1972 /1 The Never-Married in Later Life. 25+ aged, general public, USA, 1972-1977 Woldringh & Knapen (1980): study NL 1978 Vrij en Alleen. (Free and Alone). Unmarried adults, big cities, the Netherlands, 1978 Clement (1980): study FR 1975 De la Variation de Quelques Traits de Personalité en Fonction, notamment, de l'Age, du Sexe et du Niveau Intellectuel. (The Variation of Certain Personality Traits in Relation to Age, Sex, and Intelligent Level). 29-88 aged women, upper middle class, France, 1975 Clement (1980): study FR 1975 /2 De la Variation de Quelques Traits de Personalité en Fonction, notamment, de l'Age, du Sexe et du Niveau Intellectuel. (The Variation of Certain Personality Traits in Relation to Age, Sex, and Intelligent Level). Adult women, France, 1975 Czapinski & Peeters (1989): study ZZ Various nation sets 1985 Life Satisfaction and Well-Being among Poles and Belgians: A Preliminary Verification of "Onion" Theory of Happiness. 25+ aged, Belgium and Poland, 198? Veenhoven (1990b): study ZZ 1965 Inequality in Happiness. Inequality in Countries Compared Between Countries. Adults, general public, 28 countries, 1965-1985 Herzog et al. (1982): study US 1978 /1 Subjective Well-Being among Different Age Groups. 25-97 aged, general public, USA, 1971-1978 Gehmacher (1988a): study AT 1985 Wohlbefinden und Lebensqualität. (Feeling Well and Quality of Life). Adults, followed 6 months, Austria, 198? Gehmacher (1989): study AT 1989 Ungleichheit in Wien. (Inequality in Vienna). Adults, varying age ranges, general public, Austria, 1989 Ouweneel & Veenhoven (1994): study ZZ 1980 Nation Characteristics and Average Happiness. Adults, general public, 27 nations, ±1980 Bell (1975): study AU 1973 Significant Roles among a Sample of Australian Women. Women, ever married, Melbourne, Australia, 1975 Bray & Howard (1983): study US 1956 The AT & T Longitudinal Studies of Managers. 40+ aged male managers, Bell Telephone Company, 1956-1980 Larson (1989): study US 1984 Is Feeling "In Control" Related to Happiness in Daily Life? Lower-middle class employees, Chicago-area, USA, 198? Keng & Hooi (1995): study SG 1993 Assessing Quality of Life in Singapore: An Exploratory Study. 15-54 aged, general public, Singapore, 1993 DeVries et al. (1994): study NL 1992 Maatschappelijke Participatie van Alleenstaanden. (Social Participation of Singles). 30-65 aged singles, The Netherlands, 1992 Headey (1999): study AU AU Victoria 1987 Old Age is not Downhill: The Satisfactions and Well-Being of Older Australians. 24-76 aged, general public, Victoria, Australia, 1987 Headey (1999): study AU AU Victoria 1989 /1 Old Age is not Downhill: The Satisfactions and Well-Being of Older Australians. 26-78 aged, general public, Victoria, Australia, 1989 Morawetz (1977): study IL 1976 Income Distributions and Self-Rated Happiness: Some Empirical Evidence. Adults, two villages (one equal in incomes, one unequal), Israel, 1976 Thoits & Hewitt (2001): study US 1986 Volunteer Work and Well-Being. 25+ aged, general public, USA, 1986-1989 VanHemert et al. (2002): study ZZ 1977 Structural and Functional Equivalence of the Eysenk Personality Questionnaire Within and Between Countries. Normal adults, general public, 30 countries, 1977-1997 Koivumaa-Honkanen (1998): study FI 1975 Life Satisfaction as a Health Predictor. 18-64 aged adult twin pairs, Finland, 1975 Koivumaa-Honkanen et al. (2003): study FI 1976 Self-Reported Happiness in Life and Suicide in Ensuing 20 Years. Adults, Finland, 1976-1995 Headey & Wooden (2004): study AU 2002 The Effects of Wealth and Income on Subjective Well-Being and Ill-Being. 20-59 aged, general public, Australia, 2002 Gee & Veevers (1990): study CA 1985 Religious Involvement and Life Satisfaction in Canada. 25-59 aged, Canada, 1995 Diener (1995a): study ZZ 1946 Subjective Well-Being in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Adults, general public, 43 nations, 1946-1992 Veenhoven (1990): study ZZ Developed nations 1981 Resultaat van de Verzorgingsstaat: Leefbaarheid en Gelijkheid. ( Effects of the Welfare State: Livability and Equality). Adults, general public, 23 1st world nations, 1981-1982 Winkelmann & Winkelmann (1998): study XZ Germany West 1984 Why are the Unemployed so Unhappy? Evidence from Panel Data. 20-64 aged males, Germany, followed 6 years, 1984-1990 Easterlin (1974): study ZZ 1957 Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot? Some Empirical Evidence. Adults, general public, 14 nations, 1957-1962 Veenhoven (1989b): study ZZ 1965 National Wealth and Individual Happiness. Adults, general public, 9 nations, 1965 Al-Hussaini et al. (2001): study OM 1998 Vipassana Meditation: A Naturalistic, Preliminary Observation in Muscat. Meditation trainees and controls, Oman, 1998 Veenhoven (1990c): study ZZ 1970 De Vrolijke Vechtmaatschappij. (The Merry Competition Society). Adults, general public, 22 nations, 1970-1985 Veenhoven (1994c): study ZZ Developed nations 1948 Is Happiness a Trait? Test of the Theory that a Better Society does not Make People any Happier. Adults, general public, 9 developed nations, 1948-1981 Veenhoven (1994c): study ZZ 1980 Is Happiness a Trait? Test of the Theory that a Better Society does not Make People any Happier. Adults, general public, 30 nations, 1980 Costa et al. (1987a): study US 1971 Longitudinal Analyses of Psychological Well-Being in a National Sample: Stability of Mean Levels. 25-74 aged, USA, followed 9 years, 1971-1984 Costa et al. (1987a): study US 1971 /1 Longitudinal Analyses of Psychological Well-Being in a National Sample: Stability of Mean Levels. 25-74 aged, USA, samples in 1971-75 and 1981-84 Derogatis & Rutigliano (1996): study US 1991 Derogatis Affects Balance Scale: DABS. Students and mental patients, USA 199? Fromm et al. (1996): study US 1991 Positive and Negative Psychosocial Sequelae of Bone Marrow Transplantation: Implications for Quality of Life Assessment. Adult bone marrow transplantation survivors, USA. 1991 Tsou & Liu (2001): study TW 1994 Happiness and domain satisfaction in Taiwan. 20-64 aged, Taiwan, 1994 Lewis et al. (2000a): study GB 1998 Religion and Happiness: Still no Association. Anglican priest and church members, North England, 1998 Luechinger et al. (2008): study ZZ EU 13 1989 Why does Unemployment Hurt the Unemployed? Evidence from the Life Satisfaction Gap between the Public and Privat Sector. Employees, public and private sector, 13 European nations, 1989-1994 Evans & Huxley (2005): study GB 1999 Adaptation, Response-shift and Quality of Life Ratings in Mentally Well and Unwell Groups. 18-65 aged, differing in mental health, followed 2 years, UK, 1999-2001 Lee (1985): study US 1979 Probing Behavioral Patterns of Structuring Daily Life. 23-49 aged, USA, 1979-1981 Knabe & Rätzel (2007): study DE 1992 Quantifying the Psychological Costs of Unemployment: The Role of Permanent Income. 21-64 aged, Germany, followed 13 years ,1992-2005 Ouweneel (2002): study ZZ Developed nations 1980 Social Security and Well-Being of the Unemployed in 42 Nations. Unemployed adults, 42 nations, 1980-90 Packer et al. (1997): study CA 1992 Psychopathology and Quality of Life in Schizophrenia. 18-40 aged, schizophrenics, Canada,199? Nathawat & Mathur (1993): study IN 1988 Marital Adjustment and Subjective Well-Being in Indian-Educated Housewives and Working Women. Educated Indian Women age 22-52 , India, 1989 Faver (1982): study US 1977 Life Satisfaction and the Life-Cycle: The Effects of Values and Roles on Women's Well-Being. 22-64 aged women, USA, 1977 Ouweneel (2002): study ZZ Developed nations 1980 /1 Social Security and Well-Being of the Unemployed in 42 Nations. Employed and unemployed adults, 42 nations, 1980-90 DiTella & MacCulloch (2006): study XZ Germany West 1985 /1 Some Uses of Happiness Data in Economics. Employed females, Germany 1985-2000 Kahneman & Krueger (2006): study US 2004 Developments in the Measurement of Subjective Well-Being. Employed females, USA , 2004 Nettle (2005): study GB 2000 /1 Happiness. The Science behind Your Smile. Adults, Great Britain, 2000 Oswald & Powdthavee (2007a): study GB 2004 Obesity, Unhappiness, and the Challenge of Affluence: Theory and Evidence. Adults, United Kingdom, 2004 Veenhoven & Bakker (1977): study NL 1968 Level of Education and Psychological Well-Being 25-65 aged, The Netherlands,1968 Schoon et al. (2005): study GB 2000 Combining Work and Family. Life Satisfaction Among Married and Divorced Men and Women in Estonia, Finland, and the UK. 42 aged, UK, 2000 Rosenfield (1992): study US 1988 Factors Contributing to the Subjective Quality of Life of the Chronic Mentally Ill. 20-70 aged, chronic mental patients, USA, 1989 Schoon et al. (2005): study FI 2000 /1 Combining Work and Family. Life Satisfaction Among Married and Divorced Men and Women in Estonia, Finland, and the UK. Employed people, Finland, 2000 Casas et al. (2007): study ES 2003 /1 The Well-Being of 12-to-16-Year-Old Adolescents and their Parents: Results from 1999 to 2003 Spanish Samples. Parents and adolescents, Spain, 2003 Middle class families, Catalonia. Börsch-Supan & Jürgens (2006): study XZ Germany West 1984 /1 Early Retirement, Social Security and Well-Being in Germany. 25+ aged, general public, West-Germany, 1984-2002 Börsch-Supan & Jürgens (2006): study XZ Germany West 1984 /2 Early Retirement, Social Security and Well-Being in Germany. 25+ aged, general public, West-Germany, 1984-2002 Zijlmans (2009): study DE 1998 Work Involvement in the Valuation of Unemployment. 21-64 aged working force, Germany, 1998-1999 Schroevers et al. (2000): study NL 1990 The Evaluation of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Repression (CES-D) Scale: Depressed and Positive Affect in Cancer Patients and Healing Reference Subjects. Cancer patients and controls, followed 15 months, the Netherlands, 1990 Spellerberg et al. (1992): study XZ Germany West 1988 Orientierungen und subjektives Wohlbefinden in West- und Ost Deutschland. (Concerns and Subjective Well-Being in West and East Germany). 18-65 aged, general public, West Germany. 1988 Bergman (2009): study NL 2006 Kinsey Revisited: Relatie tussen Seksualiteit en Geluk.(Kinsey Revisited: Relation between Sexuality and Happiness.) 19-69 aged heterosexuals, the Netherlands, 2006. Gash et al. (2010): study DE 1996 Women between Part-Time and Full-Time Work: The Influence of Changing Hours of Work on Happiness and Life Satisfaction. Married women aged 20-59, Germany, followed 10 years, 1996-2006, Rafanelli et al. (2000): study IT 1995 Rating Well-Being and Distress. Remitted mental out-patients and controls, Italy, 199? Rafanelli et al. (2000): study IT 1995 /1 Rating Well-Being and Distress. Remitted mental outpatients, before and after additional therapy, Italy,199? Gash et al. (2010): study GB 1996 Women between Part-Time and Full-Time Work: The Influence of Changing Hours of Work on Happiness and Life Satisfaction. Married women aged 20-59, United Kingdom, followed 10 years, 1996-2006, Berger (2009): study DE 1994 Maternal Employment and Happiness: The Effect of Non-Participation and Part-time Employment on Mothers' Life Satisfaction. Mothers aged 20-65, Germany, followed 14 years, 1994-2007 Ganglmair Wooliscroft & Lawson (2006): study NZ 2001 Applying the International Wellbeing Index in New Zealand: Preliminary Results. 20-59 aged, general public, New Zealand, 2001 Manabe (2007a): study CN 2006 Values, Political Orientation and Democracy in East Asia: Fact Analysis of the AsiaBarometer Survey Data. 20-59 aged, general public, China, 2006 Manabe (2007a): study HK 2006 Values, Political Orientation and Democracy in East Asia: Fact Analysis of the AsiaBarometer Survey Data. 20-59 aged, general public, Hong Kong, 2006 Manabe (2007a): study JP 2006 Values, Political Orientation and Democracy in East Asia: Fact Analysis of the AsiaBarometer Survey Data. 20-59 aged, general public, Japan, 2006 Manabe (2007a): study KR 2006 Values, Political Orientation and Democracy in East Asia: Fact Analysis of the AsiaBarometer Survey Data. 20-59 aged, general public, Korea,(South), 2006 Manabe (2007a): study SG 2006 Values, Political Orientation and Democracy in East Asia: Fact Analysis of the AsiaBarometer Survey Data. 20-59 aged, general public, Singapore, 2006 Manabe (2007a): study TW 2006 Values, Political Orientation and Democracy in East Asia: Fact Analysis of the AsiaBarometer Survey Data. 20-59 aged, general public, Taiwan, 2006 Manabe (2007a): study VN 2006 Values, Political Orientation and Democracy in East Asia: Fact Analysis of the AsiaBarometer Survey Data. 20-59 aged, general public, Viet Nam, 2006 Yoshino (2007b): study JP 1988 /1 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Japan, 1988 Yoshino (2007b): study BN 2004 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Brunei Darussalam, 2004 Yoshino (2007b): study LA 2004 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Laos, 2004 Yoshino (2007b): study KR 2004 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Korea,(South), 2004 Yoshino (2007b): study SG 2004 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Singapore, 2004 Yoshino (2007b): study MY 2004 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Malaysia, 2004 Yoshino (2007b): study VN 2004 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Viet Nam, 2004 Yoshino (2007b): study PH 2004 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Philippines, 2004 Yoshino (2007b): study TH 2004 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Thailand, 2004 Yoshino (2007b): study MM 2004 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Myanmar, 2004 Yoshino (2007b): study JP 2004 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Japan, 2004 Yoshino (2007b): study ID 2004 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Indonesia, 2004 Yoshino (2007b): study KH 2004 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Cambodia, 2004 Yoshino (2007b): study UZ 2005 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Uzbekistan, 2005 Yoshino (2007b): study KG 2005 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Kyrgyzstan, 2005 Yoshino (2007b): study TM 2005 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Turkmenistan, 2005 Yoshino (2007b): study TJ 2005 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Tajikistan, 2005 Yoshino (2007b): study NP 2005 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Nepal, 2005 Yoshino (2007b): study MN 2005 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Mongolia, 2005 Yoshino (2007b): study BT 2005 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. Urban areas, general public, Bhutan, 2005 Yoshino (2007b): study MV 2005 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Maldives, 2005 Yoshino (2007b): study BD 2005 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Bangladesh, 2005 Yoshino (2007b): study AF 2005 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Afghanistan, 2005 Yoshino (2007b): study PK 2005 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Pakistan, 2005 Yoshino (2007b): study IN 2005 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, India, 2005 Yoshino (2007b): study KZ 2005 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Kazakhstan, 2005 Yoshino (2007b): study CN 2006 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, China, 2006 Yoshino (2007b): study HK 2006 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Hong Kong, 2006 Yoshino (2007b): study JP 2006 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Japan, 2006 Yoshino (2007b): study KR 2006 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Korea,(South), 2006 Yoshino (2007b): study SG 2006 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Singapore, 2006 Yoshino (2007b): study TW 2006 /1 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Taiwan, 2006 Yoshino (2007b): study VN 2006 East Asia Value Survey. The Statistical Analysis of Trust. 20-59 aged, general public, Viet Nam, 2006 Shi (2002): study CN City district of Dongcheng , beijing 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, Dongcheng district, Beijing, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN City district of Xicheng , beijing 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, Xicheng district, Beijing, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN City district of Chongwen , beijing 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, Chongwen district, Beijing, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN City district of Xuanwu , beijing 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, Xuanwu district, Beijing, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN City district of Chaoyang , beijing 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City district of Chaoyang ,beijing, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN City district of Fengtai , beijing 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, Fengtai district, Beijing, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN City district of Shijingshan , beijing 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, Shijingshan district, Beijing, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN City district of Haidian , beijing 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, Haidian district, Beijing, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Taiyuan, shanxi 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Datong, shanxi 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Datong, Shanxi, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Hunyuan county , datong shanxi 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, age range not reported, general public, Hunyuan county , datong shanxi, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Changzhi, shanxi 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Changzhi, Shanxi, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Yuncheng, shanxi 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Yuncheng, Shanxi, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Fenyang ,lüliang , shanxi 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Fenyang ,lüliang , Shanxi, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Xing county,lüliang, shanxi 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, age range not reported, general public, Xing county,lüliang,shanxi, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Shenyang, liaoning 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Shenyang,l Liaoning, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Dalian, liaoning 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Dalian, Liaoning, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Wafangdian, dalian, liaoning 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Wafangdian,dalian,liaoning, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Jingzhou, hubei 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Jingzhou, Hubei, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Dandong, Changtu county, liaoning 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Dandong, Changtu county, Liaoning, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Nanjing, jiangsu 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Wuxi, jiangsu 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Wuxi, Jiangsu, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN yixing city, jiangsu 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Yixing Jiangsu, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Xuzhou, jiangsu 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adult general public, City of Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Nantong, jiangsu 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Nantong, Jiangsu, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Dafeng , yancheng, jiangsu 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Dafeng , Yancheng, Jiangsu, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Yangzhou, jiangsu 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adult general public, City of Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Taixing ,taizhou, jiangsu 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adult general public, City of Taixing , Taizhou, Jiangsu, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Suqian, jiangsu 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adult general public, City of Suqian, Jiangsu, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Hefei, anhui 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adult general public, City of Hefei, Anhui, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Wuhu, anhui 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adult general public, City of Wuhu, Anhui, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Bengbu, anhui 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Bengbu, Anhui, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Huainan, anhui 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adult general public, City of Huainan, Anhui, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN She county, Tongcheng, anhui 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, age range not reported, general public, She county,Tongcheng, anhui, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Bozhou,anhui 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adult general public, City of Bozhou, Anhui, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Zhengzhou, Henan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adult general public, City of Zhengzhou, Henan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Kaifeng, enan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Kaifeng, Henan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Hua county, Anyang, henan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, age range not reported, general public, Hua county, Anyang, henan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Xinxiang, henan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Xinxiang, Henan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Hui county, Xinxiang, henan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, age range not reported, general public, Hui county, Xinxiang, henan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Xiangcheng county, Xuchang, henan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, age range not reported, general public,Xiangcheng county, Xuchang, henan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Gushi county, Xinyang, henan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, age range not reported, general public, Gushi county,Xinyang, henan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Wuhan, hubei 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Wuhan, Hubei, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Yichang, hubei 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Yichang, Hubei, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Xiangyang, hubei 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Xiangyang, Hubei, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Honghu, jingzhou, hubei 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Honghu, Jingzhou, Hubei, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Xishui county, Huanggang, hubei 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, age range not reported, general public, Xishui county, Huanggang, hubei, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Xianning, hubei 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adult general public, City of Xianning,h Hubei, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Guangzhou, guangdong 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Shaoguan, guangdong 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Shaoguan, Guangdong, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Foshan, guangdong 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Foshan, Guangdong, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Shunde, foshan, guangdong 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adult general public, City of Shunde,foshan, Guangdong, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Zhanjiang, guangdong 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adult general public, City of Zhanjiang, Guangdong, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Zhaoqing, guangdong 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Zhaoqing, Guangdong, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Huizhou, guangdong 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Huizhou, Guangdong, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Puning, jieyang, guangdong 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Puning, Jieyang, Guangdong, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Chongqin 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public,City of Chongqin, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Wanzhou, chongqin 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Wanzhou,chongqin, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Chengdu, sichuan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Luzhou, sichuan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Luzhou, Sichuan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Guangyuan, sichuan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Guangyuan, Sichuan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Neijiang, sichuan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Neijiang, Sichuan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Emeishan, leshan, sichuan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Emeishan,leshan, Sichuan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Nanchong, sichuan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Nanchong, Sichuan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Kunming, yunnan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Kunming, Yunnan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Nanning, guangxi 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Nanning, Guangxi, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Xuanwei, qujing, yunnan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Xuanwei, Qujing, Yunnan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Baoshan, yunnan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges, age range not reported, general public, City of Baoshan, Yunnan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Gejiu, yunan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Gejiu, Yunan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Simao, yunnan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Simao, Yunnan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Dali, yunnan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Dali,yunnan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Ljiang, yunnan 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Ljiang, Yunnan, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Lanzhou, gansu 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Lanzhou, Gansu, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Weiwu, weiwu, gansu 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adults, varying age ranges general public, City of Weiwu,weiwu, Gansu, China, 2002 Shi (2002): study CN Pingliang, gansu 2002 Chinese Household Income Project. Adult general public, City of Pingliang, Gansu, China, 2002 Michalski (2001): study CA 2000 Asking Citizens what Matters for Quality of Life in Canada. Participants focus groups, Canada, 2000 Williams (2003): study US 1986 Has the Future of Marriage Arrived? A Contemporary Examination of Gender, Marriage, and Psychological Well-Being. 24+ aged, USA, followed 1986-1994 Sheykhi (2006): study IR Tehran 2001 /1 A Sociological Review of the Reflections and Dimensions of Quality of Life of the Widows in Tehran. 20-79 aged widows, Tehran, Iran, 2001 Alesina et al. (2005): study DE 1990 Work and leisure in the U.S. and Europe: Why so Different? employed heads of household, Germany, followed 10 years from 1990-2000 Alesina et al. (2005): study ZZ Europe 1992 Work and leisure in the U.S. and Europe: Why so Different? 15-64 aged, employed heads of household, 10 EU countries, 1972-1995 Bartram (2011): study US 1995 Economic Migration and Happiness: Comparing Immigrants' and Natives' Happiness Gains from Income. 18-94 aged natives and immigrants, USA, 1995 Sander (2011): study US 2000 /1 Location and Happiness in the United States. 25+ aged general public, United States, 2000-2006 Sander (2011): study US 2000 Location and Happiness in the United States. 25+ aged general public, United States, 2000-2008 Baker et al. (1994): study US 1992 Quality of Life of Bone Marrow Transplant Long-Term Survivors. Bone marrow transplant survivors 5 years after transplant, United States, 1992 Subramanian et al. (2003): study US 2000 Health and Happiness in US Communities: A Multivariate Multilevel Analysis. 18-85 aged, general public, United States, 2000-2001 Layard et al. (2013): study GB 2004 What Predicts a Successful Life? A Life-Course Model of Well-Being. 34 aged, United Kingdom, followed from childhood, 2004 Hsieh (2014): study US 2009 Throwing the Baby Out with the Bathwater: Evaluation of Domain Importance Weighting in Quality of Life Measurements 50+ aged, Chicago area , USA, 200? Hsieh (2008): study US 2001 The Relative Importance of Health 50+ aged, Chicago area , USA, 2001 Rivera et al. (2015): study AW 2014 Tourism Development and Happiness: A Residents ’ Perspective. 18+ aged, general public, urban areas, Aruba, 2014 Akay & Martinsson (2012): study DE 1984 Positional Concerns through the Life Cycle: Evidence from subjective Well-being Data and Survey Experiments. 20-79 aged general public, Germany, 1984-2009 Ambrey & Fleming (2014a): study AU 2002 The Causal Effect of Income on Life Satisfaction and the Implications for Valuing Non-market Goods. 20-59 aged general public, Australia, 2002-2011 Greenfield & Marks (2007): study US 1995 Religious Social Identity as an Explanatory Factor for Associations Between More Frequent Formal Religious Participation and Psychological Well-Being 25-74 aged, general public, USA, 1995 Diener et al. (1993): study US 1971 The Relationship between Income and Subjective Well-Being: Relative or Absolute? 25-74 aged general public, United States, 1971-1984 ISSP (2003): study BE 2007 International Social Survey Programme (ISSP): Website 18-85 aged, general public, Belgium, 2007 Kross et al. (2013): study US 2008 Facebook Use Predicts Declines in Subjective Well-Being in Young Adults. Facebook users, Ann Arbor, Michigan, followed 14 days, USA, 2013 Ryan & Dziurawiec (2001): study AU 1998 Materialism and Its Relationship to Life Satisfaction. Adults, Perth, Australia, 1998 Kaliterna Lipovcan et al. (2007): study HR 2005 Monthly Income and Subjective Well-being of Croatian Citizens. 18-85 aged, general public, Croatia, 2007 Headey & Wooden (2004a): study AU 2002 The Importance of Wealth for Subjective Well-Being. 25-59 aged general public, Australia, 2002 Knight et al. (2009): study CN 2002 Subjective Well-Being and its Determinants in Rural China. Adult general public, rural areas, China, 2002 Tay et al. (2017a): study US 2012 Debt and Subjective Well-being: The Other Side of the Income-Happiness Coin 18+ aged employed collage graduates with Internet access, USA, 201? Kim et al. (2012): study AU 2006 Cross-National Insights into the Relationship between Wealth and Wellbeing: A comparison between Australia, the United States of America and South Korea. 50+ aged general public, Australia, 2006 Knight & Gunatilaka (2009): study CN 2003 Income, Aspirations and the hedonic Treadmill in a poor Society. Adult general public, rural areas, China, 2003 Knight & Gunatilaka (2014a): study CN 2002 Memory and Anticipation: New Empirical Support for an Old Theory of the Utility Function. Adult general public, rural areas, China, 2002 Broadbent et al. (2018): study AU 2013 Domain Compensation in Quality of Life of Individuals with Vasovagal Syncope: a Test of Homeostasis Theory. Healthy adults, Australia, 2013 Hochman & Skopek (2013): study SE 2006 The Impact of Wealth on Subjective Well-Being: A Comparison of Three Welfare-State Regimes. 50+ aged general public, Sweden, 2006 Hoogendoorn (2017): study NL 2013 Somewhat happily unemployed? A Comparison of the Feelings and Time-Use Reported by the Employed and Unemployed Respondents Participating in a Dutch DRM Survey 15-64 aged, users selfhelp website, Netherlands, 2013 Goldstein (2007): study US 2005 Sacred Moments: Implications on Well-Being and Stress. Healthy adults, USA, 200? Parks (2009): study US Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2007 Positive Psychotherapy: Building a Model of empirically supported Self-Help. Adults with mild/moderate depressive symptoms, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2007-08 Yang (2001): study CN Hebei 2001 The Influence of Inequality of Urban Residents Life Satisfaction - A Survey on Wuhan City 20+ aged urban population, Wuhan city, China, 2001 Delhey (2012): study ZZ Europe 2007 Gleichheit Fühlt sich Besser an. ( Equality Feels Better.) 18+ aged general public, 31 European nations, 2007 Samuel & Hadjar (2016): study ZZ Europe 2002 How Welfare-State Regimes Shape Subjective Well-Being across Europe. 25-80 aged, general public, Europe, Multiple nations, 2002 - 2012 Knight & Gunatilaka (2011): study CN 2002 Does Economic Growth Raise Happiness in China? Adults, China, 2002 Akay (2012): study DE 1985 Happy Taxpayers? Income Taxation and Well-Being. 16-65 aged, taxpayers, Germany, 1985-2010 Cardenas et al. (2009): study ZZ Latin America 1995 Migration and Life Satisfaction: Evidence from Latin America. Adults, Latin America, Multiple nations, 1995 - 2007 Dagenais-Desmarais & Savoie (2012): study CA Quebec 2011 What is Psychological Well-Being, Really? A Grassroots Approach from the Organizational Sciences. French-speaking workers, Québec, Canada, 2011 Lara (2018): study MX 2014 Subjective Well-Being among Communities Left Behind by International Migrants Intimates left behind after migration, Mexico, 2014 Nidup et al. (2018): study BT 2012 Improving Well-Being in Bhutan: A Pursuit of Happiness or Poverty Reduction? Adults, age range not rpeorted, Bhutan, 2012 Yancey & Eastman (1995): study US 1993 Comparison of Undergraduates with Older Adults on Love Styles and Life Satisfaction Adults, aged 30-83, USA Pontarollo et al. (2018): study EC 2015 The Determinants of Subjective Wellbeing in A Developing Country: The Ecuadorian Case. Adults, Ecuador, 2015 Hobdy et al. (2007): study US Texas 2006 The Role of Attachment Style in Coping with Job Loss and the Empty Nest in Adulthood. Empty nest and job-loss adults, USA, 2006 Wun'gaen et al. (2017): study TH 2016 Social Well-Being in Thailand 2016: Survey Report. Adults, age range not reported, Thailand, 2016 Heintzelman et al. (2019): study ZZ Anglo-America 2016 ENHANCE: Evidence for the Efficacy of a Comprehensive Intervention Program to Promote Subjective Well-Being Adults, Canada and USA, 2016 Littman-Ovadia & Nir (2014): study IL 2011 Looking Forward to Tomorrow: The Buffering Effect of A Daily Optimism Intervention Adults, Israel, 2011 Checa et al. (2019): study ES 2016 Measurement invariance of the Satisfaction with Life Scale by Gender, Age, Marital Status and Educational Level Adults, Spain, 20?? Campione (2008): study US 1997 Employed Women's Well-Being: The Global and Daily Impact of Work. Female employees, USA, 1997 Nettle (2005a): study GB 2000 Social Gradients in Subjective Well-Being: Is it Money or Personal Control that Matters? Working population, United Kingdom, 2000