
Happy Life Years in nations

Years lived happy Life-expectancy at birth multiplied by average happiness on range 0-11980-83HLY_HL4_198020LifeExpentancy_1980 HL4_80
1990-91HLY_HL4_199048LifeExpectancy_1990 HL4_1990
1990-95HLY_HL4_199345LifeExpectancy_1993 HL4_1993
1990-98HLY_HL_1990s61LifeExpectancy_1995 HL4_1990s
Years lived satisfiedLife-expectancy at birth multiplied by average life satisfaction on range 0-11980-83HLY_LS10_198021LifeExpectancy_1980 LS 10_1980
1990-91HLY_LS10_199042LifeExpectancy_1990 LS 10_1990
1990-95HLY_LS10_199540LifeExpectancy_1993 LS 10_93
1990-98HLY_LS10_1990s55LifeExpectancy_1995 LS 10_1990s
Years in good moodLife-expectancy at birth multiplied by average affect balance on range 0-11980-83HLY_ABS_198020LifeExpectancy_1980 ABS_1980
1990-91HLY_ABS_199039LifeExpectancy_1990 ABS_1990
Mixed measureLife-expectancy at birth multiplied by average life satisfaction on range 0-1
(combined measure of 10-step life satisfaction and 11-step best-worst life)
1990-1999HLY_LSBW11_1990s90LifeExpectancy_1990s LSBW_1990s
1995-2005HLY_LSBW11_2000s94LifeExpectancy_2000s LSBW_2000s
2006HLY_BWLS11_2006124LifeExpectancy_2005 BWLS11_2006

Related topics: Average happiness, Health outcomes, Life expectancy
Related themes: Health, Subjective well-being

The dataset States of Nations is about characteristics of countries in periods (macro variables). It is part of the World Database of Happiness. Though developed for the identification of societal conditions for happiness, this source can also be used for other purposes.