- Author(s):
- Veenhoven, R.
- Title:
- The Growing Impact of Marriage.
- Source:
- Social Indicators Research, 1983, Vol. 12, 49 - 63
- Year:
- 1983
- 0303 8300
- URL:
- Language:
- English (Australia, Canada, UK, USA)
Subject Classification
- Subjects
Eligible for inclusion in findings archive
- Eligible
Yes, included as study.
- Veenhoven (1983): study BE 1975
- Veenhoven (1983): study DK 1975
- Veenhoven (1983): study GB 1975
- Veenhoven (1983): study IE 1975
- Veenhoven (1983): study IT 1975
- Veenhoven (1983): study LU 1975
- Veenhoven (1983): study NL 1975
- Veenhoven (1983): study XZ Germany West 1975
- Veenhoven (1983): study ZZ EU 9 1975