Measures of Happiness: O-SLW-c-sq-v-5-g
- Code:
- O-SLW-c-sq-v-5-g
- Focus:
- Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole (O-SLW)
- Time frame:
- currently (today, these days, presently) (c)
- Mode:
- 1 question (sq)
- Scale Type:
- verbal scale (v)
- Scale Range:
- 5
Self report on single question:Taken all things together, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole these days? On the whole, would you say you are.....?
5 very satisfied
4 satisfied
3 neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
2 dissatisfied
1 very dissatisfied
List of Studies Using this Measure
Standard Deviation
- Mean
- = 2.520
- SD
- = 1.166
- Mean
- = 2.892
- SD
- = 1.198
- Mean
- = 2.880
- SD
- = 1.214
- Mean
- = 3.916
- SD
- = 0.779
- Mean
- = 4.066
- SD
- = 0.868
- Mean
- = 3.592
- SD
- = 1.043
- Mean
- = 2.973
- SD
- = 1.243
- Mean
- = 3.068
- SD
- = 1.419
- Mean
- = 3.068
- SD
- = 1.186
- Mean
- = 3.986
- SD
- = 1.032
- Mean
- = 3.465
- SD
- = 1.127
- Mean
- = 3.462
- SD
- = 1.254
- Mean
- = 4.084
- SD
- = 0.854