
Happiness Measures

Measures of Happiness: O-HP-u-sq-v-10-a


Overall: Happy Person (O-HP)
Time frame:
time unspecified (u)
1 question (sq)
Scale Type:
verbal scale (v)
Scale Range:


Self report on single question:

"Among the following description arranged in miscellaneous order, choose the one which comes nearest to fitting you. None will be likely to fit exactly."
3  Finding life rather disappointing and disillusioning, comfortable  in many ways, moderately successful, but far from  realizing the hopes of youth.
9  Cheerful, gay spirits most of the time. Occasionally bothered by something but can usually laugh it off.
8  Calm, quiet sort of satisfaction. Life has been pretty good. Not everything one desires comes, of course, but on the whole there is much for which to be serenely thankful.
5  Ups and downs, now happy about things, now depressed. About balanced in the long run.
1  Life often seems so worthless that there is little to keep one going. Nothing matters very much, there has been so much of hurt that laughter would be empty mockery.
2  Keeping a brave front, others think everything is all right. Inside life seems rather black.
1  Usually sad, weep readily, smile seldom.
11  Radiant, find every day full of interest, amusing things, and  worthwhile things.
3  Seriously hurt by certain things, for which the good aspects of life cannot quite make up.
5  Quite objective. Like some experiences, dislike others. Not aware of any prevalent happiness or unhappiness.

List of Studies Using this Measure

Study Population N Mean
Standard Deviation
Watson (1930): study US 1928 Graduate students of education (teachers), Columbia University, USA, 192? N = 388