
Happiness Measures

Measures of Happiness: M-FH-g-sq-v-10-a


Mixed: Feel Happy (M-FH)
Time frame:
generally (g)
1 question (sq)
Scale Type:
verbal scale (v)
Scale Range:


Self report on single question:

Use the list below to answer the following question: IN GENERAL, HOW HAPPY OR UNHAPPY DO YOU USUALLY FEEL? Check the one statement that best describes your average happiness.
10  extremely happy (feeling ecstatic, joyous, fantastic!)
9    very happy (feeling really good and elated!)
8    pretty happy (spirits high, feeling good)
7    mildly happy (feeling fairly good and somewhat cheerful)
6    slightly happy ( just a bit above neutral)
5    slightly unhappy (just a bit below neutral)
4    mildly unhappy (just a bit low)
3    pretty unhappy (somewhat "blue", spirits down)
2    very unhappy ( depressed, spirits very low)
1    extremely unhappy (utterly depressed, completely down)

Name: Fordyce's overall happiness item.

List of Studies Using this Measure

Study Population N Mean
Standard Deviation
Kaliterna Lipovcan et al. (2007): study HR 2005 18-85 aged, general public, Croatia, 2007 N = 896
= 7.700
= 1.810
Brkljacic et al. (2018): study HR 2013 18-32 aged, students, Zagreb, Croatia, 201? N = 500
= 7.500
= 1.960
Kaliterna Lipovcan & Prizmic-Larsen (2006b): study HR 2003 18+ aged general public, Croatia, 2003 N = 1242
= 7.120
= 1.860
Kaliterna Lipovcan & Prizmic-Larsen (2006): study HR 2003 18+aged, general public, Croatia, 2003 N = 1242
= 7.100
= 1.860
Vuletic et al. (2002): study HR 2003 18+ aged, general public, Croatia, 2003 N = 1242
= 7.100
= 1.860
Rabito-Alcon & Rodríguez-Molina (2016): study ES 2011 Pre-surgery gender dysphoric people and controls, Spain, 201? N = 101
= 6.190
Headey et al. (1993): study AU AU Victoria 1981 18-65 aged, Victoria, Australia, followed 1981 to 1987 N = 419
Diener et al. (1995b): study US Illinois 1990 College students, USA, 199? N = 221
Diener et al. (1995b): study US Illinois 1990 /1 University students, USA, 199? N = 131
Diener et al. (1995b): study US 1993 College students, USA 199? N = 146
Pavot et al. (1997): study US 1992 Undergraduate students, USA, 199? N = 110
Pavot et al. (1997): study US 1992 /1 College students, USA, 199? N = 179
Diener et al. (1991): study US 1989 Students , USA, 1989 N = 107
Diener et al. (1991): study US 1989 /1 Students, USA, 1989 N = 62
Diener et al. (1991): study US 1989 /2 Students, USA, 1989 N = 42
Kaliterna Lipovcan & Prizmic-Larsen (2006b): study HR 2005 18+ aged general public, Croatia, 2005 N = 913
Colombo et al. (2006): study IT Piemonte 2001 High school students; Italy; 200? N = 384