Measures of Happiness: M-FH-cw-sq-v-6-a
- Code:
- M-FH-cw-sq-v-6-a
- Focus:
- Mixed: Feel Happy (M-FH)
- Time frame:
- last week (cw)
- Mode:
- 1 question (sq)
- Scale Type:
- verbal scale (v)
- Scale Range:
- 6
Self report on single question:In somebody's life there are better and worse periods. Please characterize your state of mind from the last few days
1 unhappy, even desperate
2 big trouble
3 I have the feeling that something is wrong
4 generally I am fine, although I had a little problems
5 I am fine, without problems
6 entirely happy, full of joy
List of Studies Using this Measure
Standard Deviation
- Mean
- = 3.483
- SD
- = 1.141
- Mean
- = 3.509
- SD
- = 1.084
- Mean
- = 3.544
- SD
- = 1.122
- Mean
- = 3.565
- SD
- = 1.080
- Mean
- = 3.662
- SD
- = 1.044