Measures of Happiness: M-AO-m-mq-v-5-a
- Code:
- M-AO-m-mq-v-5-a
- Focus:
- Mixed: Affect + Overall (M-AO)
- Time frame:
- momentary (now) (m)
- Mode:
- multiple questions (mq)
- Scale Type:
- verbal scale (v)
- Scale Range:
- 5
Self report on 25 questionsA
20-item PANAS
To what extend do you feel this way right now in your life? a nervous
b distressed
c afraid
d jittery
e irritable
f upset
g scared
h ashamed
i guilty
j hostile
k excited
l active
m determined
n inspired
o enthusiastic
p alert
q attentive
r proud
s strong
t interested
Answer options:
1 very slightly or not at all
2 a little
3 moderately
4 quite a bit
5 extremely
Positive affect score PAS: k to t
Negative affect score NAS: a to j
5-item Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener)
a In most ways my life is close to ideal
b The conditions of my life are excellent
c I am satisfied with my life
d So far, I have gotten the important things I want in life
e If I could live my life over, I would change nothing
Answer options:
1 not at all
2 a little
3 moderately
4 quite a bit
5 very much
(Mean A: PAS) + (Mean B) - (MEAN A:NAS)
List of Studies Using this Measure
Standard Deviation
- Mean
- = 0.070
- SD
- = 2.300
- Mean
- = 3.990
- SD
- = 0.430
- Mean
- = 0.012