
Happiness Measures

Measures of Happiness: M-AO-c-mq-vt-*-a


Mixed: Affect + Overall (M-AO)
Time frame:
currently (today, these days, presently) (c)
multiple questions (mq)
Scale Type:
verbal scales transformed to same range (vt)
Scale Range:


Self report on 25 questions:

A  Using the 1-7 scale below, indicate your agreement right now with each of the items by placing the appropriate number on the line preceding that item. Please be open and honest in your responding.
   a  In most ways my life is close to ideal
   b  The conditions of my life are excellent
   c  I am satisfied with my life
   d  So far, I have gotten the important things I want in life
   e  If I could live my life over again, I would change nothing
   Answers rated:
   7  strongly agree
   6  agree
   5  slightly agree
   4  neither agree nor disagree
   3  slightly disagree
   2  disagree
   1  strongly disagree
   Name: Diener's Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS)

B  Indicate to what extend you feel this way right now in your life:
   a nervous
b  distressed
c  afraid
d jittery
e  irritable
f  upset
g  scared
h ashamed
i  guilty
j  hostile
k  excited
l  active
m  determined
n  inspired
o  enthusiastic
p  alert
q  attentive
r  proud
s  strong
t  interested

Answer options:  
1  very slightly or not at all
2  a little
3  moderately
4  quite a bit
5  extremely

Positive affect score PAS: k to t
Negative affect score NAS: a to j
Watson PANAS, right now version

Summation: (z-score A) + (z-score B:PAS) - (z-score B:NAS)

List of Studies Using this Measure

Study Population N Mean
Standard Deviation
Sheldon et al. (2010): study US 2008 University community members participating in happiness training, USA, 200? N = 180
= 4.780