
Happiness Measures

Measures of Happiness: C-BW-c-sq-l-10-a


Contentment: Best-Worst possible life (C-BW)
Time frame:
currently (today, these days, presently) (c)
1 question (sq)
Scale Type:
ladder scale (l)
Scale Range:


Self report on single question:

Lead item not reported.
[  10  ] best possible life
[    9  ]
[    8  ]
[    7  ]
[    6  ]
[    5  ]
[    4  ]
[    3  ]
[    2  ]
[    1  ]  worst possible life

Name: Cantril's self anchoring Ladder rating of life (modified version)

List of Studies Using this Measure

Study Population N Mean
Standard Deviation
Klassen et al. (1975): study US Kansas 1972 18+ aged, general public, Kansas City, USA, 1971-1972 N = 976
Polit et al. (1980): study US 1975 Couples, white, middle/upper class, USA, 1975 N = 1074
Sullivan et al. (2000): study NL 1993 57+ aged, The Netherlands, 1993 N = 5279
Pearson-Scott (1978): study US NorthCarolina 1976 65+ aged rural area, United States, 1976-77 N = 407
Angrist (1974): study US 1974 Public housing tenants, USA, 1974 N = 210
Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study CA 2009 Students, aged 11-15, Canada, 2009-2010 N = 15919
Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study ZZ Developed nations 2009 Students, aged 11-15, multiple nations, 2009-2010 N = 53973
Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study GB 2009 /1 Students, aged 11-15, England, 2009-2010 N = 3524
Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study DE 2009 Students, aged 11-15,Germany, 2009-2010 N = 5070
Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study HU 2009 Students, aged 11-15, Hungary, 2009-2010 N = 4864
Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study IL 2009 Students, aged 11-15, Israel, 2009-2010 N = 4135
Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study IT 2009 Students, aged 11-15, Itally, 2009-2010 N = 4837
Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study NL 2009 Students, aged 11-15, Netherlands, 2009-2010 N = 4591
Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study PL 2009 Students, aged 11-15, Poland, 2009-2010 N = 4262
Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study GB 2009 Students, aged 11-15, Scotland, 2009-2010 N = 6771
Daly & Carpenter (1985): study US 1982 15 - 21 aged Vietnames refugees living in a foster home, USA, 1982-83 N = 41
= 6.300
D'Elboux Diogo (2003): study BR 2001 Elderly patients, Brazil, 2001 N = 40
= 7.100
= 2.730
Buncamper (2016): study NL 2015 Transgender women with neo-vagina, followed 1 year post surgery, Netherlands, 2011-15 N = 82
= 7.382
= 1.709