
Happiness Measures

Measures of Happiness: A-CA-mi-tsb-v-8-a


Affect: Cheerful Appearance (A-CA)
Time frame:
last instant (mi)
time sampling of happy behaviors (tsb)
Scale Type:
verbal scale (v)
Scale Range:


Time sampling of happy behaviors:

Clinical ratings on the basis of repeated observations of expressive behavior in test situation. Scored by two independent rates. Interval between tests was one week.  

"General emotional tone: unhappy - happy."
1 Child seems unhappy throughout the period.
2 Mostly unhappy, but not consistently so.
3 At times rather unhappy, but may respond happily to    
   interesting  procedures.
4 Seems calm and contented.
5 Happy: may become upset by some procedures, but recovers  
   fairly easily.
6 Appears generally in a happy state of well-being.
7 Consistently happy, radiating a gay mood, only rarely  
   disturbed by an annoying situation.
8 Radiantly happy; nothing is upsetting; animated.

Item in Bayley Infant Behavior Profile, Research Form 1959.

List of Studies Using this Measure

Study Population N Mean
Standard Deviation
McGrade (1968): study US 1963 Infants followed from birth to 8 month, USA, 196? N = 24