Measures of Happiness: A-CA-cw-rdf-v-7-ba
- Code:
- A-CA-cw-rdf-v-7-ba
- Focus:
- Affect: Cheerful Appearance (A-CA)
- Time frame:
- last week (cw)
- Mode:
- rating by family (rdf)
- Scale Type:
- verbal scale (v)
- Scale Range:
- 7
Rating by parents of pleasure in different low stimulus intensity situations, such as:When playing quietly with one of his/her favorite toys, how often did the baby show pleasure?
1 never
2 very rarely
3 less than half the time
4 about half the time
5 more than half the time
6 almost always
7 always
Full list of situations not reported.
Part of Rothbart Revised Infant Behavior Questionnaire
List of Studies Using this Measure
Standard Deviation
- Mean
- = 5.080
- SD
- = 0.890
- Mean
- = 5.100
- SD
- = 0.850