Measures of Happiness: A-BD2-cm-mq-v-7-b
- Code:
- A-BD2-cm-mq-v-7-b
- Focus:
- Affect: Balance (Diener's ABS) (A-BD2)
- Time frame:
- last month, last few weeks (cm)
- Mode:
- multiple questions (mq)
- Scale Type:
- verbal scale (v)
- Scale Range:
- 7
Self report on 8 questions:Using the scale below, indicate how much of the time during the PAST MONTH have you felt each emotion?
A affectionate
B joyful
C sad
D worried
E irritable
F guilty
G happy
H proud
1 never
2 slight amount (rare)
3 some of the time
4 about half the time
5 much of the time
6 almost always
7 always
Computation: (A+B+G+H)-(C+D+E+F)/8
Name: Diener's 'Affect Balance'
List of Studies Using this Measure
Standard Deviation
- Mean
- = 1.290
- SD
- = 1.480
- Mean
- = 2.570
- SD
- = 1.410