Measures of Happiness: A-BD1-md-mq-v-7-a
- Code:
- A-BD1-md-mq-v-7-a
- Focus:
- Affect: Balance (Diener's 8 item index) (A-BD1)
- Time frame:
- last day (md)
- Mode:
- multiple questions (mq)
- Scale Type:
- verbal scale (v)
- Scale Range:
- 7
Self report of daily mood on 9 questions'Please indicate how much of each emotion you felt today
A happy
B depressed, blue
C joyful
D pleased
E frustrated
F angry, hostile
G enjoyment, fun
H worried, anxious
I unhappy
Answer options:
1 not at all
2 very slight
3 somewhat
4 moderate amount
5 much
6 very much
7 extremely much
Options presented horizontally
Computation: (A+C+D+G)-(B+E+F+H+I)
Name: Diener's 'Daily Mood scale'
List of Studies Using this Measure
Standard Deviation
- Mean
- = 2.200
- Mean
- = 7.520
- SD
- = 13.280
- Mean
- = 4485.000
- SD
- = 1026.000