
Happiness Measures

Measures of Happiness: A-BB-cw-mq-v-4-f


Affect: Balance (Bradburn's index) (A-BB)
Time frame:
last week (cw)
multiple questions (mq)
Scale Type:
verbal scale (v)
Scale Range:


Self report on 10 questions:

We are interested in how people are feeling these days. The following items describe some of the ways people feel at different times. Please indicate how often you felt each way during the last week
A   Pleased about having accomplished something.
B   That things were going my way.
C   Proud because someone complimented me on something I  
     had done.
D  Particularly excited or interested in something I had done.
E  On top of the world.
F  Upset because someone criticized you
G  So restless that you could not sit long in a chair
H  Bored
I    Very lonely or remote from other people
J   Depressed or very unhappy

Answer options:
0  not at all
1  once
2  several times
3 often

- Positive Affect Score (PAS): Average A to E
- Negative  Affect Score (NAS): Average F to J
- Affect Balance Score (AB): PAS minus NAS
Possible range: -25 to +25

Name : Bradburn's "Affected Balance Scale' (modified version)

List of Studies Using this Measure

Study Population N Mean
Standard Deviation
Alexander (1969): study US 1964 Schizophrenic males non-hospitalized, Monroe County, New York, USA, 1964-65 N = 178