
Happiness Measures

Measures of Happiness: A-BB-cm-mq-v-5-a


Affect: Balance (Bradburn's index) (A-BB)
Time frame:
last month, last few weeks (cm)
multiple questions (mq)
Scale Type:
verbal scale (v)
Scale Range:


Self report on 13 questions:

"During the past four weeks have you ever felt....?" (yes/no)

A   Pleased about having accomplished something.
B   Things going my way.
C   Proud because someone complimented me on something I  
     had done.
D  Particularly excited or interested in something I had done.
E  On top of the world.
F  A deep sense of joy.
G  Pleased because my life feels orderly and secure.
H  Bored.
I    Very lonely and remote from other people.
J   Jealous of somebody.
K   Angry with someone.
L   Disappointed in myself..
M  Unhappy about the small number of times I have pleasant  
     feelings and experiences.

Answer options:
0  no
If yes: How often did you feel so?
5   every day
4   several times a week
3   once a week
2   2 or 3 times a month
1   once a month

- Positive Affect Score (PAS): Average A to G
- Negative  Affect Score (NAS): Average H to M
- Affect Balance Score (AB): PAS minus NAS
Possible range: +42 tot -30

Name : Bradburn's "Affected Balance Scale' (modified version)

List of Studies Using this Measure

Study Population N Mean
Standard Deviation
Payne (1975): study GB 1972 Employed males, supervising jobs, England, 197? N = 192
Payne (1974): study GB 1972 Employed males, supervising jobs, England, 197? N = 192