
Happiness Measures

Measures of Happiness: A-ASA-mi-mq-v-3-a


Affect: Average of Specific Affects (A-ASA)
Time frame:
last instant (mi)
multiple questions (mq)
Scale Type:
verbal scale (v)
Scale Range:


Self report on 22 questions:

Below is a list of opposed attributes. Please indicate which applies best to your situation at this moment. Don't think too long. Place a cross next to the word this fits best. If you cannot decide, use the neither/nor option. Do not skip any lines.

At the moment I am feeling.....

A  refreshed ...............................listless
B  indifferent toward ...................interested in others
C  pleased ..................................depressed
D  successful..............................unsuccessful
E   irritable...................................peaceful
F   indecisive...............................ready to make decisions          
G  cheerful..................................Tearful
H  in a good mood...................... in a bad mood
I    lacking in appetite..................with a good appetite
J   sociable..................................withdrawn
K  unworthy.................................worthy
L   relaxed................................... tense
M  happy.....................................unhappy
N  shy..........................................communicative
O  sinful and wicked....................pure
P  secure.....................................threatened
Q  abandoned.............................cared for
R  even-tempered.......................driven
S  confident.................................insecure
T  miserable.................................comfortable
U  flexible.....................................inflexible
V  tired.........................................rested
W hesitating................................firm
X  calm........................................restless
Y  lacking in energy....................energetic
Z  useless...................................indispensable
AA sluggish................................ lively
AB superior.................................inferior

Response options:
3  positive option
2  neither nor
1  negative option

Summation: Mean

Name: Zerssen's 'Befindlichkeits Skala' version 1 (B-S)

List of Studies Using this Measure

Study Population N Mean
Standard Deviation
Schwarz & Strian (1972): study XZ Germany West 1967 Psychiatric patients, West Germany, 196? N = 56
Schwarz & Strian (1972): study XZ Germany West 1967 /1 Medical patients, West Germany, 197? N = 180
= 19.700
Filipp & Klauer (1991): study XZ Germany West 1988 Cancer patients, followed 6 months after onset, Trier, 198? N = 332