
Happiness Measures

Measures of Happiness: A-ARE-md-sqr-v-10-b


Affect: Average Repeated Overall Estimate (A-ARE)
Time frame:
last day (md)
1 question, repeated (sqr)
Scale Type:
verbal scale (v)
Scale Range:


Self report on single question, answered every evening before retiring during six weeks (experience sampling)

"On average;  how elated or depressed,  happy or unhappy you felt today....?
10  Complete elation, rapturous joy and soaring ecstasy
9    Very elated and in very high spirits.   Tremendous
      delight and buoyancy
8    Elated and in high spirits
7    Feeling very good and cheerful
6    Feeling pretty good , "OK"
5    Feeling a little bit low. Just so-so
4    Spirits low and somewhat 'blue'
3    Depressed and feeling very low.
      Definitely 'blue'
2    Tremendously depressed.
      Feeling terrible, really miserable, "just awful"
1    Utter depression and gloom. Completely down.
      All is black and leaden. Wish it were all over.

Name:  Wessman & Ricks'  `Elation - depression scale'

List of Studies Using this Measure

Study Population N Mean
Standard Deviation
Wessman et al. (1960): study US 1957 Female college students, followed 6 weeks, Radcliffe, USA, 1957 N = 14
Wessman (1973): study US 1957 Male college students, followed 3 years, Harvard University, USA, 1957-60 N = 17
Wessman & Ricks (1966): study US 1957 Female college students, Radcliff USA, followed 6 weeks, 1957 N = 21
= 6.140
= 0.980
Reinhardt (1968): study US 1967 Female mental patients and controls, USA, 1967 N = 20
Ramzy-Saleh Guirguis & Hermans (1973): study NL 1970 Secundary school pupils, The Netherlands, 1970 N = 89
Ludwig (1970): study US 1965 University students, University of Wisconsin, USA, 196? N = 45
Harder (1969): study US 1969 Married females, USA, 196? N = 62
= 5.600
= 0.650
Gurman (1972): study US 1970 Student psychotherapists, Columbia University, USA, 1970 N = 12
Gorman (1971): study US 1970 Undergraduate students, Nassau Community College, USA, 1970 N = 67
= 5.410
= 0.710
Clum & Clum (1973): study US 1971 Undergrates, San Diego State College, USA, 197? N = 55