
Happiness Measures

Measures of Happiness: A-AOL-u-mq-v-10-a


Affect: Average Overall Level (A-AOL)
Time frame:
time unspecified (u)
multiple questions (mq)
Scale Type:
verbal scale (v)
Scale Range:


Self report on 4 questions:

"The following are statements of feelings or mood. Please read them over and then indicate which of these overall feelings best describes your feelings."
A)  Right now you feel .........
B)  The best you felt today ....
C)  The worst you felt today ...
D)  The way you usually feel ...

Response options:
10. Complete elations, rapturous joy, and soaring ecstasy.
9.   Very elated and in very high spirits; tremendous delight     
      and buoyancy.
8.   Elated and in high spirits.
7.   Feeling very good and cheerful.
6.   Feeling pretty good, "OK".
5.   Feeling a little bit low. Just so-so.
4.   Spirits low and somewhat blue.
3.   Depressed and feeling very low. Definitely blue.
2.   Tremendously depressed. Feeling terrible, really miserable,
      "just awful".
1.   Utter depression and gloom. Completely down. All is black
      and leaden. Wish it were all over.

Summation: average scores on A,B,C,D.

Name: Elation-Depression Scale (variant)

List of Studies Using this Measure

Study Population N Mean
Standard Deviation
Ludwig (1971): study US 1966 Female students, undergraduates, University of Wisconsin, USA, 196? N = 72
= 6.170