
Happiness Measure Types

Equivalent measure type

4-step verbal Realization of Goals

Typical text

During the pasy five years, when considering your plans for life, how much have you accomplished?
-  all of it
-  most of it
-  little of it
-  none of it

Measures included in this type

Measure Code Description Nr. Studies C-A-h-sq-v-4-a Contentment: Accomplishments in life; hitherto; 1 question; verbal scale 1 C-RG-h-sq-v-5-a Contentment: Realization of Goals; hitherto; 1 question; verbal scale 7 C-RG-ly-sq-v-4-a Contentment: Realization of Goals; last years; 1 question; verbal scale 4 C-RG-u-sq-v-3-a Contentment: Realization of Goals; time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 1