
Happiness Measure Types

Equivalent measure type

4-step verbal LifeSatisfaction

Typical text

How satisfied are you with the life you lead?
-  very satisfied
-  fairly satisfied
-  not very satisfied
-  not at all satisfied
very = 4 ....... not at all = 1

Measures included in this type

Measure Code Description Nr. Studies O-SL?-?-ri-th%-4-f Overall: Satisfaction With Life: item not reported; time frame not reported; rating by interviewer (of happy appearance); Time happy percent 1 O-SL?-?-sq-v-4-a Overall: Satisfaction With Life: item not reported; time frame not reported; 1 question; verbal scale 4 O-SL?-?-sq-v-4-c Overall: Satisfaction With Life: item not reported; time frame not reported; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SL?-?-sq-v-4-d Overall: Satisfaction With Life: item not reported; time frame not reported; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SL?-?-sq-v-4-g Overall: Satisfaction With Life: item not reported; time frame not reported; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SL?-?-sq-v-4-h Overall: Satisfaction With Life: item not reported; time frame not reported; 1 question; verbal scale 3 O-SL?-?-sq-v-4-i Overall: Satisfaction With Life: item not reported; time frame not reported; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SL?-?-sq-v-4-l Overall: Satisfaction With Life: item not reported; time frame not reported; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLC-c-sq-v-4-a Overall: Satisfaction with Life-Course; currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 3 O-SLL-c-sq-v-4-a Overall: Satisfaction with Life one Leads; currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLL-c-sq-v-4-c Overall: Satisfaction with Life one Leads; currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 2 O-SLL-g-sq-v-4-a Overall: Satisfaction with Life one Leads; generally; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLL-g-sq-v-4-d Overall: Satisfaction with Life one Leads; generally; 1 question; verbal scale 16 O-SLL-u-sq-v-4-a Overall: Satisfaction with Life one Leads; time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 2 O-SLL-u-sq-v-4-b Overall: Satisfaction with Life one Leads; time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 2553 O-SLL-u-sq-v-4-c Overall: Satisfaction with Life one Leads; time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLL-u-sq-v-4-f Overall: Satisfaction with Life one Leads; time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 33 O-SLL-u-sq-v-4-h Overall: Satisfaction with Life one Leads; time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 2 O-SLL-u-sq-v-4-i Overall: Satisfaction with Life one Leads; time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 4 O-SLP-?-sq-v-4-c Overall: Satisfaction with Personal Life; time frame not reported; 1 question; verbal scale 2 O-SLP-c-sq-v-4-a Overall: Satisfaction with Personal Life; currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 10 O-SLP-u-sq-v-4-a Overall: Satisfaction with Personal Life; time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLS-?-sq-v-4-a Overall: Satisfaction with Life-Situation; time frame not reported; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLu-c-sq-v-4-a Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 2 O-SLu-c-sq-v-4-b Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 2 O-SLu-c-sq-v-4-e Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 25 O-SLu-c-sq-v-4-f Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 5 O-SLu-c-sq-v-4-g Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLu-c-sq-v-4-m Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLu-g-sq-?-4-a Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); generally; 1 question; scale not reported 1 O-SLu-g-sq-v-4-b Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); generally; 1 question; verbal scale 38 O-SLu-g-sq-v-4-c Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); generally; 1 question; verbal scale 829 O-SLu-g-sq-v-4-d Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); generally; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLu-g-sq-v-4-da Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); generally; 1 question; verbal scale 33 O-SLu-g-sq-v-4-dc Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); generally; 1 question; verbal scale 66 O-SLu-g-sq-v-4-dd Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); generally; 1 question; verbal scale 2 O-SLu-g-sq-v-4-e Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); generally; 1 question; verbal scale 443 O-SLu-g-sq-v-4-g Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); generally; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLu-g-sq-v-4-i Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); generally; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLu-h-sq-v-4-a Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); hitherto; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-a Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 2 O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-b Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-c Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 2 O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-d Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 2 O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-e Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 6 O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-f Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 4 O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-g Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 2 O-SLu-u-sq-v-4-i Overall: Satisfaction with life (unspecified); time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 57 O-SLW-?-sq-v-4-a Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; time frame not reported; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-?-sq-v-4-c Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; time frame not reported; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-?-sq-v-4-d Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; time frame not reported; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-?-sq-v-4-f Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; time frame not reported; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-?-sq-v-4-i Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; time frame not reported; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-c-sq-v-4-aa Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 7 O-SLW-c-sq-v-4-ac Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-c-sq-v-4-b Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 2 O-SLW-c-sq-v-4-c Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 14 O-SLW-c-sq-v-4-d Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-c-sq-v-4-e Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 20 O-SLW-c-sq-v-4-f Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 3 O-SLW-c-sq-v-4-g Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-c-sq-v-4-h Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 2 O-SLW-c-sq-v-4-i Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 2 O-SLW-c-sq-v-4-j Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-c-sq-v-4-o Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-c-sq-v-4-p Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-c-sq-v-4-q Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-c-sq-v-4-r Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; currently (today, these days, presently); 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-g-sq-v-4-a Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; generally; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-g-sq-v-4-b Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; generally; 1 question; verbal scale 3 O-SLW-h-sq-v-4-a Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; hitherto; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-u-mq-v-4-a Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; time unspecified; multiple questions; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-u-sq-v-4-b Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 45 O-SLW-u-sq-v-4-c Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-u-sq-v-4-d Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 3 O-SLW-u-sq-v-4-e Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-u-sq-v-4-g Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 3 O-SLW-u-sq-v-4-h Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-u-sq-v-4-i Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 3 O-SLW-u-sq-v-4-j Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-u-sq-v-4-l Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 1 O-SLW-u-sq-v-5-bb Overall: Satisfaction w Life as a Whole; time unspecified; 1 question; verbal scale 13