
Correlational findings

Study Wessman & Ricks (1966): study US 1957 /1

Male college students, followed 3 years, Harvard University, USA, 1957-60
N = 17
Non Response
37%: 9 dropouts, incomplete; about the same happiness distribution.
Multiple assesment methods
Mood diary kept 30 days and repeated interviews and tests during three years.


Authors's Label
Social respect (vs social contempt)
Our Classification
Repeated closed question on 'how you felt other people regarded you, or felt about you, today', rated on a 10-point scale:

10. Excite the admiration and awe of
    everyone who matters.
9. Stand extremely high in the estima-
    tion of people whose opinions count
    with me.
8. People I admire recognize and res-
    pect my good points.
7. Confident that some people think
    well of me.
6. Feel I am appreciated and respect-
    ed to some degree.
5. Some people don't seem to see much
    value in me.
4. I am looked upon as being of small
    or of no account.
3. People have no respect for me at
2. I am scorned, slighted, pushed a-
1. Everyone despises me and holds me
    in contempt.

Scale scored each night  for the highest, lowest and average experience of the day.
(Wessman & Ricks Social Respect vs Social Contempt Scale).

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks A-ARE-md-sqr-v-10-a r = + ns The means of the lowest, average and highest daily scores were correlated with the mean daily average score on the Elation-Depression Scale (AFF 3.1) during 6 weeks.

Daily highest   : r = +.42 (ns)
Daily average   : r = +.45 (ns)
Daily lowest    : r = +.03 (ns)