
Correlational findings

Study Sears & Barbee (1977): study US 1921

Gifted women (IQ >135), followed 50 years, California, USA, 1921-72
N = 671
Non Response
Attrition in 1972: 25%
Interview: face-to-face
Repeated interviews and questionaires


Authors's Label
Satisfying aspects of life
Our Classification
Earlier ratings (1950, 1960) by present happiness (1972).
Responses to open ended question
0 Not mentioned
1 Mentioned

a.  Work
b.  Recognition
c.  Income
d.  Activities / hobbies
e.  Marriage
f.  Children
g.  Religion
h.  Social contacts
i.  Community service
j.  Other

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = ns 1950 work mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = ns C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = ns 1960 work mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = ns C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = ns 1950 recognition mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = ns C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = ns 1960 recognition mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = ns C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = ns 1950 income mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = ns C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = ns 1960 income mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = ns C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = ns 1950 activities / hobbies mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = ns C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = ns 1960 activities/ hobbies mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = ns C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = aov p < .00 1950 marriage mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = ns C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = + p < .00 1960 marriage mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = + p < .00 C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = + p < .03 1950 children mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = ns C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = ns 1960 children mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = ns C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = ns 1950 religion mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = ns C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = p < .03 1960 religion mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = + p < .02 C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = ns 1950 social contacts mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = ns C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = p < .02 1960 social contacts mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = ns C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = + p < .00 1950 community service mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = + p < .00 C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = p < .03 1960 community service mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = ns C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = ns 1950 other  mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = ns C-ASG-h-mq-v-5-a AoV = ns 1960 other mentioned by 1972 happiness M-PL-h-sq-v-5-b Chi² = ns