
Correlational findings

Study Atkinson et al. (1986): study US 1982

Unemployed males followed 2 month after jobloss and matched controls, Boston, USA, 1982
N = 167
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face
With both spouces


Authors's Label
Change in spouse role performance
Our Classification
Assessed at T1 and T2 (two month difference. Satisfaction dropped among the continuously unemployed, but rose among the re-employed, while remaining at the same level in the control group of continuously employed.
Husbannds rated their satisfaction with their wives role performance during the past month

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-H?-?-sq-?-*-a r = ns T1-T2 CHANGE in satisfaction with wive's role performance by T2 husbands happiness O-H?-?-sq-?-*-a Beta = Control for happiness reduces the negative effect of unemployment on perceived wive's role performance. This suggests that happiness mediates this effect, continued unemployment lowering happiness and unhappiness subsequently lowering perceived role performance of the wife.

Direct association between unemployment and happiness not reported in this publication.