
Correlational findings

Study Miller & Wilson (1968): study US 1966

Students, undergraduates, Kent State University at Ashtabula, Ohio, USA., 1966-67
N = 132
Non Response
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
Questionnaire completed in class


Authors's Label
Our Classification
Related specification variables
Self report on 5 questions:
1. I adhere stroughly to the religion of my parents.
2. I have adopted the religion of my parents but I do not take it very seriously.
3. I have adopted a new religion which I adhere strongly.
4. I have adopted a new religion, but I do not take it very seriously.
5. I do not adhere to any religion, I am essentially 'this worldly' in my outlook.

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks M-TH-g-sq-v-9-a r = + ns Items were scored in three ways:
- 5-point scale: item 1 indicating the most religious.
  males   : r = +.01 (ns)
  females : r = +.17 (ns)
- 3-point scale: item 1 or 3 (top category), 2 or
  4 (middle), or 5 (lowest category):
  males   : r = -.00 (ns)
  females : r = +.12 (ns)
- 5-point scale: item 3 (most religious),    4,1,2,5, (least religious):
  males   : r = +.00 (ns)
  females : r = +.16 (ns)